首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Nuclear and mitochondrial evolutionary analyses of Collared, White-lipped, and Chacoan peccaries (Tayassuidae)

Nuclear and mitochondrial evolutionary analyses of Collared, White-lipped, and Chacoan peccaries (Tayassuidae)


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The three extant peccary species, the Chacoan (Catagonus wagneri), the White-lipped (Tayassu pecari) and the Collared (Pecari tajacu), are morphologically and chromosomally distinct and confined to the New World. There is ongoing paleontological, cytogenetic, and molecular debate about phylogenetic relationships among them. To contribute to the understanding of Tayassuidae phylogeny, three mitochondrial (control region, cytochrome b, and 12S rRNA) and five nuclear (K-cascin, thyrotropin, tyrosinase, and swine short interspersed nuclear elements PRE-1 P27 and P642) peccary DNA fragments were amplified, cloned and sequenced from Chacoan, White-lipped, and Collared peccaries. Phylogenetic analyses were performed using maximum likelihood and neighbor joining methods. K-casein, thyrotropin, and tyrosinase sequences did not resolve the phylogeny, while control region, cytochrome b, 12S rRNA, and PRE-1 P27 and P642 sequences were more informative in deciphering phylogenetic relationships. When pig and warthog were used as an outgroup, Chacoan and White-lipped peccaries clustered distinct from Collared peccaries. Furthermore, control region and cytochrome b sequence variation within Collared peccaries was as extreme as that between White-lipped and Chacoan peccaries, supporting subspecific and possibly even specific variation within the widely distributed Collared peccary. This study supports the existence of two independent genera within the Tayassuidae family consisting of Collared and Chacoan/White-lipped peccaries, in contrast with classical morphological taxonomy which clusters White-lipped and Collared peccaries in the genus Tayassu or which alternatively clusters the Collared peccary in the genus Dicotyles as a related sister clade of the Chacoan peccary (genus Catagonus). (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:三种现存的野猪物种,如Chacoan(Catagonus wagneri),白唇(Tayassu pecari)和Collared(Pecari tajacu),在形态和染色体上截然不同,并局限于新大陆。关于它们之间的系统发育关系,古生物学,细胞遗传学和分子学争论不断。为了有助于了解Tayassuidae的系统发育,三个线粒体(控制区,细胞色素b和12S rRNA)和五个核仁(K-酪蛋白,促甲状腺素,酪氨酸酶和猪短散布的核素PRE-1 P27和P642)胸腺DNA片段从Chacoan,白唇和衣领的野猪中扩增,克隆和测序。系统发育分析是使用最大似然法和邻居加入法进行的。 K-酪蛋白,促甲状腺素和酪氨酸酶序列不能解析系统发育,而对照区,细胞色素b,12S rRNA以及PRE-1 P27和P642序列在破译系统发育关系方面提供更多信息。当将猪和疣猪作为一组使用时,Chacoan和白色唇的野猪群聚起来与有领野兽群不同。此外,领领兽中的控制区域和细胞色素b序列变异与白唇兽和Chacoan兽之间的一样,极端,支持广泛分布的领兽中的亚特异性甚至可能是特异性变异。这项研究支持在Tayassuidae家族中存在两个独立的属,它们分别是衣领和Chacoan /白唇兽,而经典形态分类法将白唇兽和衣领兽聚类在Tayassu属中,或者将衣领兽簇在Tayassu属中。 Dicotyles属是Chacoan野猪(Catagonus属)的相关姐妹进化枝。 (C)2004 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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