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Mood impact on cardiovascular reactivity when task difficultyis unclear


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Research in the context of the mood-behavior-model (Gendolla in Rev Gen Psycho! 4:348-408, 2000) hasshown that moods can have an impact on effort mobiliza-tion due to congruency effects on demand appraisals.However, the mood research literature suggests that moodmay also influence effort mobilization by its impact onappraisals of the instrumentality of success. In a singlefactor (mood valence: negative vs. neutral vs. positive)between-persons design, participants performed a memorytask under conditions of unclear task difficulty. By suc-cessfully performing the task, participants could earn thechance to win a monetary reward. As predicted for taskswith unclear difficulty, effort mobilization—assessed ascardiovascular reactivity—increased from negative topositive mood. This effect was mediated by the subjectiveprobability of winning the monetary reward for successfulperformance. These results demonstrate for the first timethat mood can influence effort mobilization via the esti-mated instrumentality of success.
机译:在情绪-行为模型的背景下进行的研究(Gendolla in Rev Gen Psycho!4:348-408,2000)表明,情绪可能会因需求评估的一致性影响而对工作动员产生影响。研究文献表明,情绪也可能通过对成功工具评估的影响而影响努力。在人与人之间的设计中,参与者的单一因素(情绪价:负面vs.中性vs.正面)在不明确的任务难度条件下执行记忆任务。通过成功执行任务,参与者可以获得赢得金钱奖励的机会。正如对困难程度不明的任务所预测的那样,从负情绪到积极情绪增加了动员力量(评估为心血管反应性)。这种效果是由赢得成功的金钱奖励的主观概率介导的。这些结果首次表明,情绪可以通过估计的成功工具来影响努力动员。



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