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Walking the talk: Value importance, value enactment, and well-being


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Prior research on intrinsic versus extrinsic values has focused on the comparative importance subjects assign to the two types of values, showing that relative intrinsic versus extrinsic value orientation (RIEVO) predicts higher or increased well-being. In two studies, we show that rated action taken regarding the two types of values is just as essential to study. Support was found for four hypotheses: (1) there was a significant behavior/importance gap, such that participants "walked" (acted on values) less than they "talked" (endorsed those values); (2) this was especially true for intrinsic values, an interaction suggesting that the intrinsic ideals of personal growth, community, and connection often receive only lip service; (3) the "walk" (behavior ratings) measure of RIEVO subsumed the "talk" (importance ratings) RIEVO measure's effects on well-being outcomes, suggesting that researchers interested in predicting well-being from values should perhaps focus on rated value enactment, not value importance; and (4) participants with higher meaning in life, lower search for meaning, more self-concordance at work, and greater chronological age evidenced more consistency between their talking and their walking.
机译:先前关于内在价值与外在价值的研究集中于受试者对两种类型的价值的相对重要性,表明相对内在价值与外在价值取向(RIEVO)预示着更高或更高的幸福感。在两项研究中,我们表明针对两种类型的值采取的额定操作对研究同样重要。支持以下四个假设:(1)存在明显的行为/重要性差距,参与者“走路”(作用于价值观)少于他们“交谈”(认可那些价值观); (2)对于内在价值尤其如此,这种相互作用表明,个人成长,社区和人际关系的内在理想往往只得到口头表达; (3)RIEVO的“走动”(行为评级)量度包含了RIEVO的“谈话”(重要性评级)量度对幸福感结果的影响,这表明对根据价值预测幸福感感兴趣的研究人员应该着重于额定值制定,不重视重要性; (4)参与者的生活意义更高,对意义的追求更低,工作中的自我一致性更高,并且按年龄顺序排列的年龄更大,这表明他们的谈话和步行之间的一致性更高。



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