首页> 外文期刊>Molecular ecology >Genetic diversity and distribution patterns of diploid and polyploid hybrid water frog populations (Pelophylax esculentus complex) across Europe

Genetic diversity and distribution patterns of diploid and polyploid hybrid water frog populations (Pelophylax esculentus complex) across Europe

机译:欧洲二倍体和多倍体杂交水蛙种群(Pelophylax esculentus complex)的遗传多样性和分布方式

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Polyploidization is a rare yet sometimes successful way for animals to rapidly create geno- and phenotypes that may colonize new habitats and quickly adapt to environmental changes. In this study, we use water frogs of the Pelophylax esculentus complex, comprising two species (Pelophylax lessonae, genotype LL; Pelophylax ridibundus, RR) and various diploid (LR) and triploid (LLR, LRR) hybrid forms, summarized as P.esculentus, as a model for studying recent hybridization and polyploidization in the context of speciation. Specifically, we compared the geographic distribution and genetic diversity of diploid and triploid hybrids across Europe to understand their origin, maintenance and potential role in hybrid speciation. We found that different hybrid and parental genotypes are not evenly distributed across Europe. Rather, their genetic diversity is structured by latitude and longitude and the presence/absence of parental species but not of triploids. Highest genetic diversity was observed in central and eastern Europe, the lowest in the northwestern parts of Europe. This gradient can be explained by the decrease in genetic diversity during postglacial expansion from southeastern glacial refuge areas. Genealogical relationships calculated on the basis of microsatellite data clearly indicate that hybrids are of multiple origin and include a huge variety of parental genomes. Water frogs in mixed-ploidy populations without any parental species (i.e. all-hybrid populations) can be viewed as evolutionary units that may be on their way towards hybrid speciation. Maintenance of such all-hybrid populations requires a continuous exchange of genomes between diploids and triploids, but scenarios for alternative evolutionary trajectories are discussed.
机译:多倍体化是动物快速创建可能在新栖息地定居并迅速适应环境变化的基因型和表型的罕见但有时成功的方法。在这项研究中,我们使用的是七叶草(Pelophylax esculentus)复合体的水蛙,包括两种(Pelophylax lessonae,基因型LL; Pelophylax ridibundus,RR)以及各种二倍体(LR)和三倍体(LLR,LRR)杂种形式,归纳为P.esculentus。 ,作为研究物种形成背景下最近的杂交和多倍体化的模型。具体来说,我们比较了欧洲二倍体和三倍体杂种的地理分布和遗传多样性,以了解它们的起源,维持和在杂种形成中的潜在作用。我们发现,不同的杂种和亲本基因型在欧洲分布不均。相反,它们的遗传多样性是由纬度和经度以及是否存在亲本物种而非三倍体构成的。在中欧和东欧,遗传多样性最高,在欧洲西北部,最低。这种梯度可以用东南冰川避难所地区冰川后扩张过程中遗传多样性的减少来解释。根据微卫星数据计算出的家谱关系清楚地表明,杂种具有多种起源,并且包括多种亲本基因组。没有任何亲本物种的混合倍性种群(即全杂交种群)中的水蛙可以被视为可能正在向杂交物种发展的进化单位。要维持这种全杂交种群,需要在二倍体和三倍体之间进行基因组的连续交换,但是讨论了替代进化轨迹的方案。



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