首页> 外文期刊>Global change biology >Acclimation of bloom-forming and perennial seaweeds to elevated pCO(2) conserved across levels of environmental complexity

Acclimation of bloom-forming and perennial seaweeds to elevated pCO(2) conserved across levels of environmental complexity


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Macroalgae contribute approximately 15 of the primary productivity in coastal marine ecosystems, fix up to 27.4 Tg of carbon per year, and provide important structural components for life in coastal waters. Despite this ecological and commercial importance, direct measurements and comparisons of the short-term responses to elevated pCO(2) in seaweeds with different life-history strategies are scarce. Here, we cultured several seaweed species (bloom forming/nonbloom forming/perennial/annual) in the laboratory, in tanks in an indoor mesocosm facility, and in coastal mesocosms under pCO(2) levels ranging from 400 to 2,000 mu atm. We find that, across all scales of the experimental setup, ephemeral species of the genus Ulva increase their photosynthesis and growth rates in response to elevated pCO(2) the most, whereas longer-lived perennial species show a smaller increase or a decrease. These differences in short-term growth and photosynthesis rates are likely to give bloom-forming green seaweeds a competitive advantage in mixed communities, and our results thus suggest that coastal seaweed assemblages in eutrophic waters may undergo an initial shift toward communities dominated by bloom-forming, short-lived seaweeds.
机译:大型藻类贡献了沿海海洋生态系统中约 15% 的初级生产力,每年固定高达 27.4 Tg 的碳,并为沿海水域的生命提供重要的结构成分。尽管具有这种生态和商业重要性,但对具有不同生活史策略的海藻中 pCO(2) 升高的短期反应的直接测量和比较很少。在这里,我们在实验室、室内中宇宙设施的水箱中以及在 pCO(2) 水平下培养了几种海藻物种(开花形成/非开花形成/多年生/一年生/一年生)400 至 2,000 μ 大气压。我们发现,在实验设置的所有尺度上,石莼属的短暂物种在pCO(2)升高时光合作用和生长速率增加最多,而寿命较长的多年生物种则表现出较小的增加或减少。这些短期生长和光合作用速率的差异可能会使形成水华的绿色海藻在混合群落中具有竞争优势,因此我们的结果表明,富营养化水域中的沿海海藻组合可能会经历向以水华形成的短暂海藻为主的群落的初步转变。



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