首页> 外文期刊>Molecular biology and evolution >A Common Genetic Origin for Early Farmers from Mediterranean Cardial and Central European LBK Cultures

A Common Genetic Origin for Early Farmers from Mediterranean Cardial and Central European LBK Cultures


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The spread of farming out of the Balkans and into the rest of Europe followed two distinct routes: An initial expansion represented by the Impressa and Cardial traditions, which followed the Northern Mediterranean coastline; and another expansion represented by the LBK (Linearbandkeramik) tradition, which followed the Danube River into Central Europe. Although genomic data now exist from samples representing the second migration, such data have yet to be successfully generated from the initial Mediterranean migration. To address this, we generated the complete genome of a 7,400-year-old Cardial individual (CB13) from Cova Bonica in Vallirana (Barcelona), as well as partial nuclear data from five others excavated from different sites in Spain and Portugal. CB13 clusters with all previously sequenced early European farmers and modern-day Sardinians. Furthermore, our analyses suggest that both Cardial and LBK peoples derived from a common ancient population located in or around the Balkan Peninsula. The Iberian Cardial genome also carries a discernible hunter-gatherer genetic signature that likely was not acquired by admixture with local Iberian foragers. Our results indicate that retrieving ancient genomes from similarly warm Mediterranean environments such as the Near East is technically feasible.
机译:农业从巴尔干地区向欧洲其他地区的蔓延遵循两条截然不同的路线:以印象派和Cardial传统为代表的最初扩张,随后是地中海北部海岸线;并以LBK(Linearbandkeramik)传统为代表的另一项扩张,随后沿多瑙河进入中欧。尽管现在基因组数据来自代表第二次迁移的样本,但此类数据尚未从最初的地中海迁移成功地生成。为了解决这个问题,我们生成了一个来自瓦里拉纳(巴塞罗那)的Cova Bonica的7400岁红衣主教个体(CB13)的完整基因组,以及来自西班牙和葡萄牙不同地点的五个其他部分的部分核数据。 CB13与所有先前排序的早期欧洲农民和现代撒丁岛人聚在一起。此外,我们的分析表明,Cardial人和LBK人均来自巴尔干半岛或其周围的一个古老的普通人口。伊比利亚Cardial基因组还带有明显的猎人-采集者遗传特征,很可能不是通过与当地伊比利亚觅食者混合获得的。我们的结果表明,从类似温暖的地中海环境(如近东)中检索古代基因组在技术上是可行的。


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