首页> 外文期刊>Modeling Earth Systems and Environment >Artificial intelligence for the prediction of water quality index in groundwater systems

Artificial intelligence for the prediction of water quality index in groundwater systems


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A study was initiated to predict water quality index (WQI) using artificial neural networks (ANNs) with respect to the concentrations of 16 groundwater quality variables collected from 47 wells and springs in Andi-meshk during 2006-2013 by the Iran'sMinistry of Energy. Such a prediction has the potential to reduce the computation time and effort and the possibility of error in the calculations. For this purpose, three ANN's algorithms including ANNs with early stopping, Ensemble of ANNs and ANNs with Bayesian regularization were utilized. The application of these algorithms for this purpose is the first study in its type in Iran. Comparison among the performance of different methods for WQI prediction shows that the minimum generalization ability has been obtained for the Bayesian regularization method (MSE = 7.71) and Ensemble averaging method (MSE = 9.25), respectively and these methods showed the minimum over-fitting problem compared with that of early stopping method. The correlation coefficients between the predicted and observed values of WQI were 0.94 and 0.77 for the test and training data sets, respectively indicating the successful prediction of WQI by ANNs through Bayesian regularization algorithm. A sensitivity analysis was implemented to show the importance of each parameter in the prediction of WQI during ANN's modeling and showed that parameters like Phosphate and Fe are the most influential parameters in the prediction of WQI.
机译:开始进行一项研究,以使用人工神经网络(ANN)预测伊朗能源部在2006-2013年期间从Andi-meshk收集的47口井和泉水中收集的16种地下水质量变量的浓度,来预测水质指数(WQI)。 。这样的预测有可能减少计算时间和工作量以及减少计算错误的可能性。为此,使用了三种ANN算法,包括提前停止的ANN,ANN的集合和具有贝叶斯正则化的ANN。这些算法在伊朗的应用尚属首次。 WQI预测不同方法的性能比较表明,贝叶斯正则化方法(MSE = 7.71)和Ensemble平均方法(MSE = 9.25)分别获得了最小泛化能力,这些方法都显示出最小的过拟合问题与早期停止方法相比。对于测试和训练数据集,WQI的预测值和观测值之间的相关系数分别为0.94和0.77,这表明通过贝叶斯正则化算法通过ANN成功预测了WQI。进行了敏感性分析,以显示在ANN建模期间每个参数在WQI预测中的重要性,并显示磷酸盐和Fe等参数是WQI预测中影响最大的参数。



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