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90 bn dollars giant Itochu eyes JV route to Indian cos


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The Itochu Group is looking to pick up equity stakes in Indian companies as a joint venture partner. The 90 billion dollars Japanese trading giant, which currently operates through a liaison office in India, is also considering to set up a wholly-owned subsidiary as business grows. Itochu already has about 8-10 joint ventures operating in the country in the areas of mining, chemical etc and generates a business of approximately 1 billion dollar through its trading activities. Speaking to ET, Makoto Kato, executive vice-president & CEO of division companies operation at Itochu Corporation, said, "Infrastructure, food processing and garments are some sectors that look interesting in India. Itochu has a lot of exposure in consumer goods globally and we have not done much till now in India but it is a place to check out." He informed that Itochu is interested in forming JVs with an Indian entity involved in manufacturing textile garments, which would then be exported to the European market. Itochu already has equity holdings in some companies, including a 4.48 percent equity stake in Indo Rama Synthetics, which manufactures polyester.
机译:伊藤忠商事集团(Itochu Group)正寻求以合资伙伴的身份收购印度公司的股权。这家年营业额达900亿美元的日本贸易巨头目前正在印度的联络处运作,随着业务的发展,该公司还考虑成立一家全资子公司。伊藤忠商事在该国已经拥有约8-10家合资企业,在采矿,化学等领域运营,通过其贸易活动创造了约10亿美元的业务。伊藤忠商事株式会社执行副总裁兼分公司运营总裁加藤诚在接受采访时说:“基础设施,食品加工和服装在印度看起来有些有趣。伊藤忠商事在全球的消费品领域有很多曝光,到目前为止,我们在印度还没有做很多事情,但这是一个可以退房的地方。”他告知伊藤忠有意与一家从事纺织服装生产的印度实体组建合资企业,然后将其出口到欧洲市场。伊藤忠商事已经拥有一些公司的股权,其中包括生产聚酯的Indo Rama Synthetics的4.48%的股权。



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