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Knowledge and understanding of the dangers of anti-epileptic drugs in pregnancy


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The Independent Fetal Anti-Convulsant Trust (IN-FACT) was launched in November 2012 to support and give relief and assistance to ail affected persons whose disabilities were caused by their mothers taking a medication known as, or used as, an anti-convulsant medication to treat their condition during pregnancy. Not all children who are exposed to anti-convulsant drugs are affected and the level of risk is determined by known factors such as type of anti-convulsant, dose of anti-convulsant and unknown susceptibility factors. Children who are diagnosed with a fetal anti-convulsant syndrome (FACS) are diagnosed by a medical specialist due to a constellation of physical and neurodevelopmental deficits they may present with. It is estimated that around 0.5-1% of newborns may be exposed prenatally to an anti-convulsant drug. Sodium valproate reportedly carries the largest risk to developing infants and continues to be prescribed widely across a range of neurological and psychiatric conditions (Bialer 2012). According to prescription records (DIN-LINK data) there were over 21,500 women taking sodium valproate in 2010 in England and Wales.
机译:独立胎儿抗惊厥信托基金(IN-FACT)于2012年11月成立,旨在为因母亲服用或被称为抗惊厥药物的残疾而患病的所有受影响人群提供支持和救济。治疗怀孕期间的病情。并非所有接触抗惊厥药物的儿童都受到影响,其风险水平由已知因素决定,例如抗惊厥的类型,抗惊厥的剂量和未知的易感性因素。诊断为胎儿抗惊厥综合症(FACS)的儿童由于可能存在的身体和神经发育缺陷而被医学专家诊断。据估计,大约0.5-1%的新生儿可能在产前暴露于抗惊厥药。据报道,丙戊酸钠对发育中的婴儿带来最大的风险,并继续在各种神经和精神疾病中广泛使用(Bialer 2012)。根据处方记录(DIN-LINK数据),2010年在英格兰和威尔士有21,500多名妇女服用丙戊酸钠。



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