首页> 外文期刊>Mineralogy and Petrology >Synthesis of pyrope-grossular garnets: an experimental study at P=2.5 GPa

Synthesis of pyrope-grossular garnets: an experimental study at P=2.5 GPa

机译:发烟型石榴石的合成:P = 2.5 GPa的实验研究

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In order to evaluate the stability of Mg-Ca garnets at P=2.5 GPa/T 800-1500 deg C, some experiments were performed using both natural and synthetic starting materials. Particular attention was paid to the investigation of the Ca rich side of the pyrope-grossular join and the maximum pyrope content in grossular was found to be about 10 mol. percent. The addition of Cr to the system only slightly increases the observed pyrope solubility in grossular whereas Na stabilises melilite and merwinite. Clinopyroxene with a composition lying on the diopside - Ca Tschermak join appears to be the only stable crystalline phase in the middle part of the pyrope-grossular join.
机译:为了评估Mg-Ca石榴石在P = 2.5 GPa / T 800-1500℃下的稳定性,使用天然和合成原料进行了一些实验。特别注意研究了焦炉石-粗节连接处富含钙的一面,发现在粗粒料中最大的焦炉石含量约为10摩尔。百分。向系统中添加Cr只会稍微增加观察到的吡咯烷酮在肉眼中的溶解度,而Na则可稳定陨石和汞矿。在透辉石-Ca Tschermak连接处有成分的亚次氯环丁烯似乎是在发烟石-连接处中间唯一稳定的结晶相。



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