首页> 外文期刊>Mitteilungen aus dem Museum fur Naturkunde in Berlin: Fossil record >High-resolution stratigraphy of the Changhsingian (Late Permian) successions of NW Iran and the Transcaucasus based on lithological features, conodonts and ammonoids

High-resolution stratigraphy of the Changhsingian (Late Permian) successions of NW Iran and the Transcaucasus based on lithological features, conodonts and ammonoids


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The Permian-Triassic boundary sections in northwestern Iran belong to the most complete successions, in which the largest mass extinction event in the history of the Earth can be studied. We investigated the Changhsingian stage in six sections in the area of Julfa (Aras Valley) for their lithology, conodonts and ammonoids. Revision of the biostratigraphy led to the separation of 10 conodont zones (from bottom to top Clarkina orientalis-C. subcarinata interval zone, C. subcarinata, C. changxingensis, C. bachmanni, C. nodosa, C. yini, C. abadehensis, C. hauschkei, Hindeodus praeparvus-H. changxingensis and Merrilina ultima-Stepanovites ?mostleri zones) and 8 ammonoid zones (from bottom to top Iranites transcaucasius-Phisonites triangulus, Dzhulfites nodosus, Shevyrevites shevyrevi, Paratirolites trapezoidalis, P. waageni, Stoyanowites dieneri, Abichites stoyanowi and Arasella minuta zones). The new ammonoid genera Stoyanowites and Arasella are described.
机译:伊朗西北部的二叠纪-三叠纪边界断层属于最完整的演替过程,可以研究地球历史上最大的大规模灭绝事件。我们在Julfa(阿拉斯山谷)地区的六个断层中研究了昌兴期阶段的岩性,牙形体和铵盐。生物地层学的修订导致了10个牙形石区域的分离(从下到上分别是东方侧柏-尖角隐孢子虫间隔区,尖角隐孢子虫,长兴角隐孢子虫,巴赫曼尼隐孢子虫,结节隐孢子虫,伊尼氏菌,阿巴德隐孢子虫, C. hauschkei,Hindeodus praeparvus-H。changxingensis和Merrilina ultima-Stepanovites?mostleri区)和8个铵类化区(从下到上依次为伊朗人transcaucasius-Phisonites三角类,Dzhulfites nodosus,Shevyrevites shevyrevi,Paratirolites梯形藻,蝶形藻,梯形藻。 Abichites stoyanowi和Arasella minuta地区)。描述了新的氨属属Stoyanowites和Arasella。



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