首页> 外文期刊>Mineralogy and Petrology >Plagioclase transfer from a host granodiorite to mafic microgranular enclaves: diverse records of magma mixing

Plagioclase transfer from a host granodiorite to mafic microgranular enclaves: diverse records of magma mixing


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Chemical and structural zoning in plagioclase can develop in response to a number of different magmatic processes. We examine plagioclase zonation formed during the transfer of plagioclase from a granodioritic host to a monzodioritic enclave to understand the development of different zonation patterns caused by this relatively simple magma mixing process. The transferred plagioclase records two stages of evolution: crystallization of oscillatory plagioclase in the host granodioritic magma and crystallization of high An zones and low An rims in the hybrid enclave magma. High An zones (up to An_(72)) are formed only in the hybrid enclaves after plagioclase transfer. Plagioclase from a primitive enclave, showing no or only minimal interaction with the host, is An_(30-43). The implication is that high An zones crystallize only from the hybrid magma and not from the primitive one, probably because of an increase in water content in the hybrid magma. Complex interactions between the two magmas are also recorded in Sr content in plagioclase, which indicates an initial increase in Sr concentration in the melt upon transfer. This is contrary to what is expected from the mixing of low Sr enclave magma with a high Sr granodiorite one. Such Sr distribution in the plagioclase implies that the transfer of the plagioclase took place before the onset of plagioclase crystallization in the enclave magma. Therefore, the mixing between high Sr granodiorite magma and low Sr enclave magma was recorded only in plagioclase rims and not in the high An zones.
机译:斜长石中的化学和结构分区可以响应许多不同的岩浆作用过程而发展。我们研究了斜长石从粒二高碳酸盐岩宿主到单生高飞岩飞地的转移过程中形成的斜长石岩层带,以了解由这种相对简单的岩浆混合过程引起的不同带状模式的发展。转移的斜长石记录了两个演化阶段:在宿主粒二岩浆岩中振荡斜长石岩的结晶和混合飞地岩浆中高An带和低An边缘的结晶。斜长石酶转移后,仅在杂种飞地中形成高An区(高达An_(72))。 An_(30-43)来自原始飞地的斜长石蜡,与宿主之间没有相互作用或只有极少的相互作用。这意味着高An区仅从混合岩浆中结晶,而不是从原始岩浆中结晶,这可能是由于混合岩浆中水含量的增加所致。两个岩浆之间的复杂相互作用也记录在斜长石中的Sr含量中,这表明转移时熔体中Sr浓度的初始增加。这与低锶飞地岩浆与高锶花岗闪长岩岩浆混合所期望的相反。斜长石中的这种Sr分布意味着,斜长石的转移发生在飞地岩浆中斜长石的结晶开始之前。因此,仅在斜长石边缘而不在高An区域记录了高Sr花岗闪石岩浆和低Sr飞地岩浆之间的混合。



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