首页> 外文期刊>revista de biologia marina y oceanografia >Abundance and trophic ecology of the lionfish, Pterois volitans, in the Morrocoy National Park, Venezuela, Southern Caribbean Sea

Abundance and trophic ecology of the lionfish, Pterois volitans, in the Morrocoy National Park, Venezuela, Southern Caribbean Sea

机译:狮子鱼 Pterois volitans 的丰度和营养生态学,位于委内瑞拉南加勒比海的莫罗科伊国家公园

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The lionfish invasion, Pterois volitans, in the US Atlantic coast and the Caribbean Sea waters represents a threat to the functioning of native marine ecosystem. This species was first reported in the Venezuelan coast in 2010, and by 2013 was very common in reef areas. This study aims to evaluate the abundance and trophic ecology of the lionfish in the Morrocoy National Park, and compare its abundance with other native species. In 2013, visual censuses were carried out and lionfish specimens were collected in different habitats (reefs, seagrass and mangroves) at different depth levels (1-3, 6-9, 12-15 m). Results showed high variability in the abundance of the lionfish populations, with an average density of 46.30 (+/- 42.31 SD) fishes* ha-1 in reefs, while in seagrass and mangroves no specimens were recorded. The density in reefs of this species was no different between depth levels and was significantly higher than other native species surveyed (families Muraenidae and Serranidae). The diet of P. volitans was composed of fish and crustaceans, with a higher proportion of fishes in larger individuals. The most abundant fish families within the park, Labridae, Haemulidae and Gobiidae, were part of its diet. Given the generalist predator behavior of the lionfish, an increase in their populations could significantly affect the abundances of native fish families and the structure and functioning of the reef ecosystems.
机译:狮子鱼入侵美国大西洋沿岸和加勒比海水域的紫檀对本土海洋生态系统的功能构成威胁。该物种于 2010 年在委内瑞拉海岸首次报道,到 2013 年在珊瑚礁地区非常常见。本研究旨在评估莫罗科伊国家公园狮子鱼的丰度和营养生态,并将其与其他本地物种的丰度进行比较。2013年,我们进行了目视普查,并在不同深度(1-3、6-9、12-15米)的不同栖息地(珊瑚礁、海草和红树林)收集了狮子鱼标本。结果显示,狮子鱼种群的丰度变化很大,珊瑚礁中的平均密度为46.30(+/- 42.31 SD)鱼* ha-1,而在海草和红树林中没有记录到标本。该物种的珊瑚礁密度在深度水平之间没有差异,并且明显高于所调查的其他本地物种(Muraenidae科和Serranidae科)。P. volitans的饮食由鱼类和甲壳类动物组成,在较大的个体中鱼类的比例较高。公园内最丰富的鱼类科,Labridae,Haemulidae和Gobiidae,是其饮食的一部分。鉴于狮子鱼的多面手捕食行为,其种群数量的增加可能会显着影响本地鱼类家族的丰度以及珊瑚礁生态系统的结构和功能。



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