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Minerals of the Grizzly Pegmatite/Marquette County, Michigan


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The Grizzly pegmatite is located in the SE (1/4) of the NW (1/4) of sec. 21, T47 N R29 W, along highway M-95, in Marquette County. This pegmatite is part of the Bell Creek granite, which is typically a pegmatite-poor granite, but locally does have grains that reach dimensions justifying some areas to be termed "pegmatitic" (Hoffman, 1987). Snelgrove (1944) briefly described this pegmatite and suggested further study be done in this area, as he felt there was a chance of finding feldspar suitable for commercial uses. This study is the first detailed mineralogical investigation of the Grizzly pegmatite and the first time the name "Grizzly pegmatite" has been used to describe this particular location, named for original property owner, Grizzly Gilmer.
机译:灰熊伟晶岩位于秒数NW(1/4)的SE(1/4)中。 21,T47 N R29 W,位于马奎特县M-95公路旁。这种伟晶岩属于Bell Creek花岗岩的一部分,后者通常是贫伟晶岩的花岗岩,但局部确实具有晶粒,其晶粒尺寸足以证明某些区域被称为“凝岩”(Hoffman,1987)。 Snelgrove(1944)简要描述了这种伟晶岩,并建议对该区域进行进一步的研究,因为他认为有可能找到适合商业用途的长石。这项研究是对Grizzly伟晶岩的首次详细矿物学研究,并且首次使用“ Grizzly伟晶岩”这个名称来描述这一特定位置,并以原始财产所有人Grizzly Gilmer的名字命名。



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