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Selective flotation of cassiterite with Benzohydroxamic acid


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The flotation of cassiterite mineral from gangue with a collector benzohydroxamic acid (BHA), and the interactions between the BHA and cassiterite have been investigated. It is shown through microflotation that the BHA is able to flot cassiterite very well, calcite quite limitedly, and quartz not at all, so the selective separation of cassiterite-quartz mixture was readily achieved; while for the efficient separation of cassiterite-calcite mixture containing 48.94 percent SnO2, sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) was needed as a depressant for the gangue, and under the condition of the BHA 100 mg L~(-1), SHMP 3.5 mg h~(-1) a cassiterite concentrate with the grade of 85.50 percent SnO_2 was obtained with the recovery of SnO_2 95.5 percent. Batch flotation further demonstrated that for an industrial tin slime, which contained 0.42 percent Sn, 13.65 percent SiO_2, 24.14 percent CaO, 16.60 percent MgO_2 4.50 percent Al_2O_3 and 6.58 percent Fe, the tin recovery of 84.5 percent after one separation was reached with the concentrate grade of 1.84 percent Sn under the condition of the BHA 178 mg L~(-1), SHMP 27 mg L~(-1). In terms of zeta potential and infrared spectra studies the main interactions between the collector BHA and the mineral cassiterite in a flotation system are chemisorption with the formation of Sn-BHA compounds rather than electrostatic attractions between them.
机译:研究了用捕收剂苯并异羟肟酸(BHA)从脉石中浮选锡石矿物,以及BHA与锡石之间的相互作用。通过微浮选表明,BHA能够很好地浮选锡石,方解石非常有限,根本没有石英,因此很容易实现锡石-石英混合物的选择性分离。为了有效分离含48.94%SnO2的锡石-方解石混合物,需要六偏磷酸钠(SHMP)作为脉石的抑制剂,在BHA 100 mg L〜(-1),SHMP 3.5 mg h〜的条件下。 (-1)得到SnO_2品位为85.50%的锡石精矿,SnO_2的回收率为95.5%。分批浮选进一步表明,对于工业锡浆(锡含量为0.42%,SiO_2为13.65%,CaO为24.14%,MgO_2为16.60%,Al_2O_3为4.50%和Fe为6.58%),精矿分离一次后锡回收率为84.5%。在BHA 178 mg L〜(-1),SHMP 27 mg L〜(-1)的条件下,Sn的品位为1.84%。在Zeta电位和红外光谱方面,浮选系统中捕收剂BHA与锡石矿物之间的主要相互作用是化学吸附并形成Sn-BHA化合物,而不是它们之间的静电引力。



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