首页> 外文期刊>Minerals Engineering >Amenability for processing of oolitic iron ore concentrate for phosphorus removal

Amenability for processing of oolitic iron ore concentrate for phosphorus removal


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Beneficiation routes aimed at dephosphorisation of oolitic gravity magnetic concentrate and involving a combination of roasting, re-grinding, magnetic separation and water and acid leaching are investigated. Roasting was carried out at 900 °C for 1 h without or with lime or sodium hydroxide as roasting additives. When additives were used, cement phases of Si-Al-Na-Ca-O type were detected as well as the mineral giuseppettite. During the thermal process sodium silicate is liquefied and the newly formed phases coat the oolites and penetrate inside the cracks. Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy analysis has indicated that the zone surrounding the oolites consists of Na, Al and Si phases with part of phosphorus being captured there. As a result of the alkaline roasting, goethite is partly transformed to magnetite and this reduction is reinforced with an increase in sodium hydroxide dosage. Investigation of redistribution of phosphorous shows that it could be only partly separated if leaching is not accompanied by re-grinding and physical separation. The recommended dosage of the reductive agent for the final flowsheet is 8 mass% ratio to concentrate. Grinding to a mean size of 0.040 mm, with water and acid leaching and double magnetic separation creates conditions to obtain a high-quality iron concentrate with 65.97% Fe and recovery of 92.43%, with simultaneous decrease in the phosphorus content from 0.71% to 0.05%.
机译:研究了旨在使重力重力磁精矿脱磷并涉及到焙烧,再研磨,磁选以及水和酸浸的结合的选矿路线。在没有或有石灰或氢氧化钠作为烘烤添加剂的情况下,在900°C下烘烤1小时。当使用添加剂时,会检测到Si-Al-Na-Ca-O型水泥相以及矿物giuseppettite。在热处理过程中,硅酸钠被液化,新形成的相覆盖着橄榄石并渗透到裂缝内部。能量色散光谱分析表明,橄榄石周围的区域由Na,Al和Si相组成,一部分磷在那里被捕获。碱性焙烧的结果是针铁矿部分转变成磁铁矿,并且随着氢氧化钠用量的增加,这种还原作用得以加强。对磷的重新分布的研究表明,如果不伴有重新研磨和物理分离,则浸出只能部分分离。最终流程图中还原剂的推荐用量为8质量%的浓缩比。研磨至平均尺寸为0.040 mm,并进行水和酸浸及双重磁选,为获得高质量的铁精矿提供了条件,铁精矿的含量为65.97%,回收率为92.43%,同时磷含量从0.71%降低至0.05 %。



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