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Andy Palmer, Managing Director at Skillnet explains why the motor industry will have to face up to a skills shortage unless it recruits new staff. The last few years have been extremely difficult for the whole economy. Recruitment has been stifled and, in the main, employers have looked to develop the staff that they already have rather than taking on new, unskilled and untested recruits. This has had a significant impact on the number of Apprenticeships that have been delivered - with an increase in numbers for older workers and a reduction in numbers for younger people (particularly those aged 16-18). The increase in Apprenticeships for members of the existing workforce has led to questions about what an Apprenticeship is actually for, and particularly, whether Apprenticeships should only be concerned with job creation and not training people who are already in employment. The increase has also led to questions about the quality of the Apprenticeships and whether they have become more about validating existing skills than developing new ones.
机译:Skillnet的常务董事安迪·帕尔默(Andy Palmer)解释了为什么汽车行业除非要招募新员工,否则就不得不面对技能短缺的问题。对于整个经济来说,最近几年非常困难。招聘工作被扼杀了,总的来说,雇主们一直在寻求发展他们已经拥有的员工,而不是招募新的,非技术的,未经测试的新员工。这对已交付的学徒制产生了重大影响-老年工人数量增加,而年轻人(尤其是16-18岁的年轻人)数量减少。现有员工队伍中学徒制的增加导致人们对学徒制的真正目的提出疑问,尤其是学徒制是否只应与创造就业机会有关,而不应培训已经就业的人。数量的增加还引发了对学徒制质量的质疑,以及它们是否更多地是在验证现有技能而不是开发新技能。




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