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Manuel the Spanish waiter from the classic comedy Fawlty Towers was clearly lost in translation at times and for good reason. Is your own international communication comical? David Jordan of RT5 Consultants International, suggests it could be. Being culturally unaware can lead to matters turning comical and business prospects being lost. How do you stop this happening? Turn on your high power internal wifi and proceed slowly. Ask your prospect simple questions to confirm what needs have to be addressed. Apply 2:1 listen ratios (use your 2 ears and 1 mouth in that ratio and listen twice as much as you speak). Adjust your communication accordingly. If your prospect appears excited about your product or service, reconfirm this a few times. This will give them the time to assimilate things more deeply. If your prospect appears to be uninterested, do not assume you should not continue to spend time with them. This may be normal practice and they may be used to different practices and need time to adjust to yours, compute what you have said, or simply have reflection time. Leave the human internal wifi receiver on and proceed slowly. Ask open questions to confirm what they need to have addressed and closed questions to gain buy in. If your prospect seems to be pausing or giving minimal reactions in return, find out what is of interest to them in your product or service range and attempt to slowly open them up. Often international prospects require a little more personal attention in the beginning.
机译:来自经典喜剧《 Fawlty Towers》的西班牙侍应生Manuel有时会因为很好的理由而迷失在翻译中。您自己的国际交流可笑吗? RT5 Consultants International的David Jordan认为可能是这样。对文化不了解可能导致事情变得可笑,并且失去业务前景。您如何阻止这种情况发生?打开大功率内部wifi并缓慢进行。向准客户询问简单的问题,以确认必须解决的需求。应用2:1的聆听比率(以该比率使用2个耳朵和1个嘴,并聆听两倍于您说话的声音)。相应地调整您的沟通。如果您的准客户对您的产品或服务感到兴奋,请再确认几次。这将使他们有时间更深入地吸收事物。如果您的准客户似乎不感兴趣,不要以为您不应该继续与他们在一起。这可能是正常的做法,可能会习惯于不同的做法,并且需要时间来适应您的情况,计算您所说的话或只是有反思时间。保持人体内部wifi接收器打开并缓慢进行。提出开放性问题以确认他们需要解决的问题,并提出封闭性问题以获取支持。如果您的准客户似乎正在暂停或做出最小的反应作为回报,请找出他们对您的产品或服务范围感兴趣的内容,并尝试慢慢地打开它们。通常,国际前景一开始就需要更多的个人关注。



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