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BMP signaling regulates PGC numbers and motility in organ culture


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Members of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) family play diverse roles in multiple developmental processes. However, in the mouse, mutations in many BMPs, BMP receptors and signaling components result in early embryonic lethality making it difficult to analyze the role of these factors during organogenesis or tissue homeostasis in the adult. To bypass this early lethality, we used an organ culture system to study the role of BMPs during primordial germ cell (PGC) migration. PGCs are the embryonic precursors of the sperm and eggs. BMPs induce formation of primordial germ cells within the proximal epiblast of embryonic day 7.5 (E7.5) mouse embryos. PGCs then migrate via the gut to arrive at the developing gonads by E10.5. Addition of BMP4 or the BMP-antagonist Noggin to transverse slices dissected from E9.5 embryos elevated PGC numbers or reduced PGC numbers, respectively. Noggin treatment also slowed and randomized PGC movements, resulting in a failure of PGCs to colonize the urogenital ridges (UGRs). Based on p-Smad1/5/8 staining, migratory PGCs do not respond to endogenous BMPs. Instead, the somatic cells of the urogenital ridges exhibit elevated p-Smad1/5/8 staining revealing active BMP signaling within the UGRs. Noggin treatment abrogated p-Smad staining within the UGRs and blocked localized expression of Kitl, a cytokine known to regulate the survival and motility of PGCs and Id1, a transcription factor expressed within the UGRs. We propose that BMP signaling regulates PGC migration by controlling gene expression within the somatic cells along the migration route and within the genital ridges.
机译:骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)家族的成员在多个发育过程中扮演着不同的角色。但是,在小鼠中,许多BMP,BMP受体和信号成分的突变会导致早期的胚胎致死性,从而使得难以分析这些因素在成人器官发生或组织稳态中的作用。为了绕过这种早期的杀伤力,我们使用了器官培养系统来研究BMP在原始生殖细胞(PGC)迁移过程中的作用。 PGC是精子和卵的胚胎前体。 BMP诱导在7.5天(E7.5)胚胎的小鼠胚胎的近端成骨细胞内形成原始生殖细胞。然后,PGC通过肠迁移到E10.5到达发育中的性腺。将BMP4或BMP拮抗剂Noggin添加到从E9.5胚胎解剖的横向切片中,分别提高了PGC数量或降低了PGC数量。 Noggin治疗还减缓了PGC的运动并使其随机化,从而导致PGC无法定居于泌尿生殖道s(UGRs)。基于p-Smad1 / 5/8染色,迁移的PGC对内源性BMP无反应。取而代之的是,泌尿生殖的体细胞表现出升高的p-Smad1 / 5/8染色,揭示了UGR内部的活跃BMP信号传导。头蛋白处理消除了UGRs中的p-Smad染色,并阻断了Kit1的局部表达,Kit1是一种已知的细胞因子,可调节PGCs和Id1的存活和运动,Id1是UGRs中表达的转录因子。我们建议BMP信号通过控制沿迁移途径和生殖器脊内体细胞内的基因表达来调节PGC迁移。



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