首页> 外文期刊>revista de biologia marina y oceanografia >Feeding of a larval clinid fish in a microtidal estuary from southern Chile

Feeding of a larval clinid fish in a microtidal estuary from southern Chile


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The utilization of estuaries as nursery zones for fish and invertebrates is widely known, but differences in the success of resource exploitation vary between resident and opportunistic estuarine species. The distribution and diet of larval Myxodes viridis (Pisces, Clinidae) were studied at 2 locations (up-estuary and down-estuary) in the Corral Bay estuary, one of the largest estuaries in southern Chile, during the austral spring 2009 at 3 depths (surface, pycnocline, deep) during the flood and ebb of 4 tidal cycles. Larvae were collected mostly at the down-estuary station during the ebb phase. Feeding incidence was also greater during the ebb phase; larvae changed from omnivory to carnivory as they developed, predating mainly on nauplii and calanoid copepodites. Although the feeding success was similar for each developmental stage along the water column, diet of preflexion and flexion larvae was different in the first 3-4 m depth (surface and pycnocline) in relation to deeper waters (7-10 m depth, near to the bottom). This suggests that the pycnocline may affect the composition of the diet of small, larval M. viridis but not the size, number or volume of ingested prey. Additionally, because foraging is predominantly based on the different life stages of copepods, larvae emerging during the ebb tide may increase the off-estuary advection into nearby shelf waters, indicating that this species is not a user of the estuary during its early development.
机译:利用河口作为鱼类和无脊椎动物的育苗区是众所周知的,但居民和机会性河口物种在资源开发成功方面的差异各不相同。2009年春季,在4个潮汐周期的洪水和退潮期间,在智利南部最大的河口之一Corral Bay河口的2个地点(上河口和下河口)研究了幼虫粘液蝇(双鱼座,Clinidae)的分布和饮食。幼虫主要在退潮期收集在下河口站。在退步期,摄食发生率也更高;幼虫在发育过程中从杂食性转变为食肉性,主要以无节幼体和无节幼体为食。尽管沿水柱的每个发育阶段的摄食成功率相似,但前3-4米深度(表面和碧克诺克林)的预屈和屈曲幼虫的饮食与较深的水域(7-10米深,靠近底部)不同。这表明碧诺克林可能会影响小型幼虫的饮食组成,但不会影响摄入猎物的大小、数量或体积。此外,由于觅食主要基于桡足类动物的不同生命阶段,在退潮期间出现的幼虫可能会增加河口外对附近陆架水域的平流,表明该物种在其早期发育期间不是河口的使用者。



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