首页> 外文期刊>Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics >Quantitative forecast experiment of a heavy rainfall event over Korea in a global model: horizontal resolution versus lead time issues

Quantitative forecast experiment of a heavy rainfall event over Korea in a global model: horizontal resolution versus lead time issues


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In this study, we examine the deterministic predictability of heavy rainfall over the Korean peninsula using a global model, the Global/Regional Integrated Model system, by focusing on the effects of horizontal resolution and lead time prior to the onset of the target event. The control run reproduces locally concentrated heavy rainfall over the mid-western part of the Korean peninsula on 27-29 July 2011, with a model setup of about 25 km grid spacing and 24 h in advance of the onset of heavy rainfall. We found that small-scale features are represented well at higher resolution, but without significant change in the distribution of rainfall. Increase of lead time reduces the predictability of large-scale features, accompanying a northward shift of major rainfall. At lower resolution, the accuracy of the heavy rainfall prediction decreases more rapidly as lead time increases. We concluded that the increase in predictability of heavy rainfall achieved by enhancing horizontal resolution is promising, but an additional set of experiments also indicates that efforts should be made to improve the physics packages in models.
机译:在这项研究中,我们通过关注目标事件发生之前的水平分辨率和提前期的影响,使用全球模型(全球/区域集成模型系统)来检验朝鲜半岛强降雨的确定性可预测性。该控制运行复制了2011年7月27日至29日朝鲜半岛中西部地区局部集中的强降雨,模型设置约为25 km的网格间距,并在强降雨发生之前24 h。我们发现,小尺度特征在高分辨率下表现良好,但降雨分布没有明显变化。随着主要降雨北移,前置时间的增加降低了大型特征的可预测性。在较低的分辨率下,随着提前期的增加,强降雨预报的准确性会迅速下降。我们得出的结论是,通过提高水平分辨率可以提高暴雨的可预测性,但是,另外的一组实验也表明应努力改善模型中的物理条件。



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