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Vitamin and mineral use and risk of prostate cancer: misleading?


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I read the paper "Vitamin and mineral use and risk of prostate cancer: the case-control surveillance study" by Zhang et al. published in Cancer Causes and Control (2009) 20: 691-698.This paper is misleading. There is no molecular genetic evidence that zinc is mitogenic. Cell culture studies, animal studies, or experience in humans for the past 45 years have not shown that zinc administration causes malignancy. In the case of prostate cancer, many believe that chronic inflammation precedes the cancer [1]. Zinc is an anti-inflammatory agent. Zinc, in the cell induces A-20, an inhibitor of NF-kB, which results in decreased gene expression and production of TNF-a [2, 3]. Based on this, one would expect that zinc may be a preventive agent for prostate cancer.
机译:我阅读了Zhang等人的论文“维生素和矿物质的使用与前列腺癌的风险:病例对照研究”。发表于《癌症原因与控制》(Cancer Causes and Control,2009)20:691-698。没有分子遗传学证据表明锌具有促有丝分裂作用。细胞培养研究,动物研究或过去45年的人类经验还没有显示锌的施用会导致恶性肿瘤。对于前列腺癌,许多人认为慢性炎症先于癌症[1]。锌是一种抗炎药。细胞中的锌诱导NF-kB抑制剂A-20,导致基因表达降低和TNF-a产生[2,3]。基于此,人们期望锌可能是前列腺癌的预防剂。



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