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Effect of temperature on an alga-grazer trophic transfer: A dual stable isotope (C-13, N-15) labeling experiment


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In this study, we examined the impact of temperature on the carbon and nitrogen trophic transfers from a macroalga to a macro-grazer by the use of dual C-13- and N-15-labeling. Using an experimental approach in mesocosms, individuals of the urchin Psammechinus miliaris were maintained for 1month at 17 degrees C (mean summer temperature in the Bay of Brest) and at 20 degrees C (maximum summer temperature) and fed with C-13- and N-15-labeled Solieria chordalis. The results showed that the urchins' C-13 uptake was 0.30 mu g(13)Cg dry weight (DW)(-1) at 17 degrees C and 0.14 mu g(13)Cg DW-1 at 20 degrees C at the end of the experiment. The lower uptake at the higher temperature may be attributed to a decrease in metabolic activity at 20 degrees C, involving lower feeding and/or respiration rates. Conversely, no significant effect of temperature was detected on N-15 uptake. At the end of the experiment, the urchins' N-15 uptake was 0.04 mu g(15)Ng DW-1 at 17 degrees C and 0.03 mu g(15)Ng DW-1 at 20 degrees C. This suggests that temperature may affect carbon and nitrogen trophic fluxes differently. The use of dual isotope labeling offers interesting prospects and needs to be further extended in order to better understand trophic interactions in marine communities and the consequences of current environmental changes, such as global warming.
机译:在这项研究中,我们通过使用双 C-13 和 N-15 标记研究了温度对从大型藻类到大型食草动物的碳和氮营养转移的影响。使用中宇宙的实验方法,将海胆Psammechinus miliaris的个体在17°C(布雷斯特湾夏季平均温度)和20°C(夏季最高温度)下维持1个月,并用C-13和N-15标记的Solieria chordalis喂养。结果表明,实验结束时,海胆在17°C下对C-13的吸收为0.30 μ g(13)Cg干重(DW)(-1),在20°C时对C-13的吸收为0.14 μ g(13)Cg DW-1。较高温度下的低摄取量可能归因于20°C时代谢活性的降低,涉及较低的摄食和/或呼吸速率。相反,没有检测到温度对N-15摄取的显着影响。实验结束时,海胆在17°C时N-15的摄取量为0.04 μ g(15)Ng DW-1,在20 °C时为0.03 μ g(15)Ng DW-1。这表明温度对碳和氮营养通量的影响可能不同。双同位素标记的使用提供了有趣的前景,需要进一步扩展,以便更好地了解海洋群落的营养相互作用以及当前环境变化(如全球变暖)的后果。



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