首页> 外文期刊>mineralogy and petrology >Geochemical discrimination between shoshonitic and potassic volcanic rocks in different tectonic settings: A pilot study

Geochemical discrimination between shoshonitic and potassic volcanic rocks in different tectonic settings: A pilot study




Potassic volcanic rocks (PVRs), such as shoshonites, are an important constituent of young volcanic suites in five main tectonic settings:Continental arcs(e.g. Andes);Post-collisional arcs(e.g. Alps);Oceanic arcs, subdivisible into initial(e.g. Marianas) andlate(e.g. Sunda Arc);and Within-Plate(e.g. inland N. American Cordillera). Since some PVRs are associated with world-class gold and base metal deposits, and can be important in tectonic reconstruction of ancient terranes, new diagrams based on immobile elements (Al, Ti, P, Y, Zr, Nb, La, Ce, Hf) are presented for discriminating the tectonic setting of PVRs from their geochemistry; spidergrams and previously published discrimination diagrams based on `normal' basalts proved unsuitable. Diagrams were derived, in part via multigroup linear discriminant analysis, using a database of fresh, primitive, Cenozoic PVRs (497 analyses), itself carefully screened from a newly erected database of 2,222 PVRs of all ages and compositions. To maximise discrimination, the diagrams are hierarchical: the first applies to all five settings and removes the most distinctive group (Within-Plate), while the remainder target more subtle distinctions. Overall, concentrations of most LILE, LREE and HFSE, and ratios such as Zr/Al and Ti/Al, tend to be highest in Within-Plate PVRs, intermediate in Continental and Postcollisional Are PVRs, and lowest in Oceanic Arc PVRs. In detail, Postcollisional are distinguished from Continental Arc PVRs by higher Ce/P, and lower Zr/Ce, Ti/Nb ratios of the latter; late from initial Oceanic arc PVRs by higher Hf, La and P of the former. These geochemical differences have a firm theoretical foundation in petrogenetic processes during magma emplacement and/or in source heterogeneities related to subduction or mantle metasomatism.
机译:钾质火山岩(PVRs),如钾质火山岩,是五种主要构造环境中年轻火山岩组的重要组成部分:大陆弧(如安第斯山脉);碰撞后弧(如阿尔卑斯山);大洋弧,可细分为初始弧(如马里亚纳弧)和晚期弧(如巽他弧);和板内(例如内陆北美洲科迪勒拉山脉)。由于一些PVR与世界级的金和贱金属矿床有关,并且在古代地层的构造重建中可能很重要,因此提出了基于不动元素(Al、Ti、P、Y、Zr、Nb、La、Ce、Hf)的新图表,以区分PVR的构造环境及其地球化学;蜘蛛图和以前发表的基于“正常”玄武岩的辨别图被证明是不合适的。图表部分是通过多组线性判别分析得出的,使用新鲜的、原始的新生代 PVR(497 个分析)数据库,该数据库本身是从新建立的 2,222 个所有年龄和成分的 PVR 数据库中仔细筛选出来的。为了最大限度地区分,这些图表是分层的:第一个适用于所有五个设置,并删除了最独特的组(板内),而其余的则针对更细微的区别。总体而言,大多数LILE、LREE和HFSE的浓度,以及Zr/Al和Ti/Al等比率,在板块内PVR中往往最高,在大陆和碰撞后PVR中处于中间水平,在海洋弧PVR中最低。具体而言,碰撞后与大陆弧PVR的区别在于后者的Ce/P较高,Zr/Ce、Ti/Nb比较低;从最初的大洋弧PVRs到前者的Hf、La和P都较高。这些地球化学差异在岩浆沉积过程中的岩石成因过程和/或与俯冲或地幔交代作用相关的源非均质性中具有坚实的理论基础。



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