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Semiautomated four-dimensional computed tomography segmentation using deformable models.


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The purpose of this work is to demonstrate a proof of feasibility of the application of a commercial prototype deformable model algorithm to the problem of delineation of anatomic structures on four-dimensional (4D) computed tomography (CT) image data sets. We acquired a 4D CT image data set of a patient's thorax that consisted of three-dimensional (3D) image data sets from eight phases in the respiratory cycle. The contours of the right and left lungs, cord, heart, and esophagus were manually delineated on the end inspiration data set. An interactive deformable model algorithm, originally intended for deforming an atlas-based model surface to a 3D CT image data set, was applied in an automated fashion. Triangulations based on the contours generated on each phase were deformed to the CT data set on the succeeding phase to generate the contours on that phase. Deformation was propagated through the eight phases, and the contours obtained on the end inspiration data set were compared with the original manually delineated contours. Structures defined by high-density gradients, such as lungs, cord, and heart, were accurately reproduced, except in regions where other gradient boundaries may have confused the algorithm, such as near bronchi. The algorithm failed to accurately contour the esophagus, a soft-tissue structure completely surrounded by tissue of similar density, without manual interaction. This technique has the potential to facilitate contour delineation in 4D CT image data sets; and future evolution of the software is expected to improve the process.
机译:这项工作的目的是证明可应用商业原型可变形模型算法解决在四维(4D)计算机断层扫描(CT)图像数据集上描绘解剖结构的问题的可行性。我们获取了患者胸腔的4D CT图像数据集,该数据集由呼吸周期中八个阶段的三维(3D)图像数据集组成。在最终吸气数据集上手动描绘了左右肺,脐带,心脏和食道的轮廓。交互式可变形模型算法最初旨在将基于图集的模型表面变形为3D CT图像数据集,并以自动化方式应用。将基于在每个阶段生成的轮廓的三角剖分变形为后续阶段的CT数据集,以在该阶段生成轮廓。变形在八个阶段中传播,并将在最终吸气数据集上获得的轮廓与原始手动绘制的轮廓进行比较。精确再现了由高密度渐变定义的结构,例如肺,脐带和心脏,但在其他渐变边界可能混淆了算法的区域(如支气管附近)除外。该算法无法准确地勾勒出食管的轮廓,食管是一种软组织结构,完全被相似密度的组织所包围,没有人工干预。该技术具有促进4D CT图像数据集中轮廓勾画的潜力。并且软件的未来发展有望改善这一过程。



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