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Scatter/primary in mammography: comprehensive results.


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Monte Carlo procedures using the SIERRA code (validated in a companion article) were used to investigate the scatter properties in mammography. The scatter to primary ratio (SPR) was used for quantifying scatter levels as a function of beam spectrum, position in the field, air gap, breast thickness, tissue composition, and the area of the field of view (FOV). The geometry of slot scan mammography was also simulated, and SPR values were calculated as a function of slot width. The influence of large air gaps (to 30 cm) was also studied in the context of magnification mammography. X-ray energy and tissue composition from 100% adipose to 100% glandular demonstrated little effect on the SPR. Air gaps over a range from 0 to 30 mm showed only slight effects. The SPR increased with increased breast thickness and with larger fields of view. Measurements from 82 mammograms provided estimates of the range of compressed breast thickness (median: 5.2 cm, 95% range: 2.4 cm to 7.9 cm) and projected breast area onto the film (left craniocaudal view, median: 146 cm2, 95% range: 58 cm2 to 298 cm2). SPR values for semicircular breast shapes, Mo/Mo spectra, and a 15 mm air gap were parametrized as a function of breast thickness and (semicircular) breast diameter. With the coefficients a = - 2.35452817439093, b = 22.3960980055927, and c = 8.85064260299289, the equation SPR= [a + b x (diameter in cm)--(-1.5) + c x (thickness in cm) --(-0.5)]-- -1 produces SPR data from 2 to 8 cm and from 3 to 30 cm breast diameters with an average error of about 1%.
机译:使用SIERRA代码(在随附文章中进行了验证)的蒙特卡洛程序用于研究乳腺X线摄影中的散射特性。散射与主要比例(SPR)用于量化散射水平,该水平取决于光束光谱,视野中的位置,气隙,乳房厚度,组织成分和视野范围(FOV)。还模拟了缝隙扫描乳房X线照相术的几何形状,并根据缝隙宽度计算SPR值。在放大的乳腺X线照相术的背景下,也研究了大气隙(至30 cm)的影响。从100%脂肪到100%腺体的X射线能量和组织组成对SPR几乎没有影响。在0至30毫米范围内的气隙仅显示出轻微影响。 SPR随着乳房厚度的增加和更大的视野而增加。从82幅乳房X线照片上进行的测量提供了压缩乳房厚度范围的中值(中值:5.2 cm,95%范围:2.4 cm至7.9 cm)以及在胶片上投影的乳房面积(左颅尾视图,中位数:146 cm2,95%范围): 58平方厘米至298平方厘米)。将半圆形乳房形状,Mo / Mo光谱和15 mm气隙的SPR值参数化为乳房厚度和(半圆形)乳房直径的函数。系数a =-2.35452817439093,b = 22.3960980055927,c = 8.85064260299289,方程式SPR = [a + bx(以厘米为单位的直径)-(-1.5)+ cx(以厘米为单位的厚度)-(-0.5)] --1产生2至8厘米,3至30厘米乳房直径的SPR数据,平均误差约为1%。



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