首页> 外文期刊>Medical anthropology quarterly >Modern Art as Public Care: Alzheimer's and the Aesthetics of Universal Personhood

Modern Art as Public Care: Alzheimer's and the Aesthetics of Universal Personhood


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This article is based on ethnographic research of the New York Museum of Modern Art's influential Alzheimer's access program, Meet Me at MoMA. The program belongs to an increasingly popular model of psychosocial treatment that promotes art as potentially therapeutic or beneficial to people experiencing symptoms of dementia as well as to their caregivers. Participant observation of the sessions and a series of interviews with museum staff and educators reveal broader assumptions about the relationship between modern art, dementia, and personhood. These assumptions indicate a museological investment in the capacity and perceived interiority of all participants. Ultimately, the program authorizes a narrative of universal personhood that harmonizes with the museum's longstanding focus on temporal and aesthetic modernism.
机译:本文基于纽约现代艺术博物馆极具影响力的阿尔茨海默氏症访问计划“ MoMA遇见我”的人种学研究。该计划属于一种日益流行的心理社会治疗模式,该模式将艺术推广为可能对痴呆症患者及其护理人员产生治疗作用或有益的艺术。与会人员的观察以及对博物馆工作人员和教育工作者的一系列采访揭示了关于现代艺术,痴呆症和人格之间关系的更广泛的假设。这些假设表明对所有参与者的能力和感知的内部性进行了博物馆学投资。最终,该计划授权发表一种关于普遍性人物的叙述,以与博物馆长期以来对时间和美学现代主义的关注相协调。



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