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Undergraduate teaching in palliative care in Irish medical schools: a questionnaire survey.


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INTRODUCTION: The Association for Palliative Medicine of Great Britain and Ireland published an official curriculum for undergraduate teaching in 1993. This study was conducted in order to establish the current status of undergraduate teaching in this important discipline in Irish medical schools. METHODS: A questionnaire survey was sent to 26 individuals identified as having responsibility for palliative care teaching in the five Irish medical schools. The questionnaire asked about aspects of the curriculum covered, the years and setting in which teaching occurs, and the teaching and assessment methods used. RESULTS: Identification of the relevant teachers proved to be difficu most appeared to be unaware of what teaching other than their own was occurring within their medical schools in this discipline. In no school is the teaching centrally co-ordinated. All five medical schools have specific time dedicated to the teaching of palliative care; in two cases this is one day or less. All schools covered most of the topics outlined in the curriculum. The majority of the teaching is by didactic lecture; there is some use of group discussion and case studies. Other teaching methods are rarely used. All schools have some teaching in the hospice setting. Four medical schools offer elective clinical rotations in palliative care; uptake of these by students is very poor. Assessment is usually as part of a written paper in medicine. CONCLUSIONS: The teaching of palliative care in Irish medical schools appears to fulfil the suggested curriculum. Co-ordination of this teaching should be improved.



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