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Clinical supervision of SpRs: where does it happen, when does it happen and is it effective? Specialist registrars.


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OBJECTIVES: To establish what supervisory methods are used in postgraduate medical education and to determine how effective, particularly in relation to patient care, these methods are perceived to be. DESIGN: We carried out a national validated questionnaire survey of medical directors (MDs) of National Health Service (NHS) trusts (both community and hospital), educational supervisors (ESs) and specialist registrars (SpRs). SAMPLE: Seven specialties were selected to represent the potential range of supervisory practices: anaesthesia, general practice, laboratory science, medicine, paediatrics, psychiatry and surgery. These involved 15 ESs and 15 SpRs from each specialty (n = 210) and 100 MDs. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Quantitative data were analysed using the following tests when appropriate: frequency counts, cross tabulations, descriptives, Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney, chi-square and Fisher exact tests. Qualitative data were also obtained. RESULTS: A total of 91% of SpRs had a formally designated ES. There was evidence of change in perceptions of the roles of supervising consultants. Supervisory practice is highly variable and there are significant differences between ESs and SpRs in perceptions of frequency and effectiveness of supervision. None of the supervisory activities, including ensuring patient safety, were rated as receiving significant or full coverage. CONCLUSIONS: Supervision is considered to be both important and effective but there is inadequate coverage and frequency of supervision activities. At the least this indicates a need for more explicit guidance for ESs and SpRs.
机译:目的:建立在研究生医学教育中使用的监督方法,并确定这些方法被认为是有效的,尤其是在患者护理方面。设计:我们对国家卫生服务(NHS)信托基金(社区和医院),教育主管(ESs)和专业注册服务商(SpRs)的医疗主管(MD)进行了全国认可的问卷调查。样本:选择了七个专业来代表潜在的监管实践范围:麻醉,全科,实验室科学,医学,儿科,精神病学和外科。其中涉及每个专业的15个ES和15个SpR(n = 210)和100 MD。主要观察指标:酌情使用以下检验分析了定量数据:频率计数,交叉表,描述性描述,Kruskal-Wallis,Mann-Whitney,卡方检验和Fisher精确检验。还获得定性数据。结果:总共91%的SpR具有正式指定的ES。有证据表明,对监督顾问作用的认识发生了变化。监督实践是高度可变的,ES和SpR之间在监督频率和有效性方面的理解存在显着差异。包括确保患者安全在内的所有监督活动均未被评为获得重大或全面覆盖。结论:监督被认为是重要和有效的,但监督活动的覆盖面和频率不足。至少这表明需要对ES和SpR进行更明确的指导。



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