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Doctors' reasons for rejecting initial choices of specialties as long-term careers.


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OBJECTIVES: To report on rejected choices of specialty as long-term careers and reasons for rejection. DESIGN: Postal questionnaire survey. SETTING: United Kingdom. PARTICIPANTS: All graduates of 1996 and 1999 from UK medical schools during their first year after qualification. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Any career choice which had been seriously considered and rejected and the reason for its rejection. RESULTS: In all, 33.1% (1871) of respondents named a rejected choice and gave reasons for its rejection. Disproportionately high numbers rejected the surgical specialties, paediatrics and obstetrics and gynaecology (O&G), using the specialty distribution of positive choices as the comparator. Relatively few doctors rejected general practice (GP) after giving it serious consideration. Doctors rejecting the hospital medical and surgical specialties or paediatrics were most likely to specify reasons relating to quality of life. Three-quarters of the graduates of 1999 who rejected O&G did so because of poor career prospects. CONCLUSIONS: Quality of life issues, and concerns about working relationships, are sufficiently influential to persuade many doctors to abandon an initial choice of medical career. It is unlikely that much of the decline in entry to GP is attributable to rejection of GP by doctors who initially chose it. The decline must therefore represent an increase in the number of doctors who had never seriously considered it as a long-term career choice.
机译:目标:报告拒绝选择的专业作为长期职业以及拒绝的原因。设计:邮政问卷调查。地点:英国。参加者:在获得资格的第一年,所有1996年和1999年来自英国医学院的毕业生。主要观察指标:认真考虑和拒绝的任何职业选择及其拒绝的原因。结果:总共有33.1%(1871)的受访者提出了拒绝的选择,并给出了拒绝的原因。使用积极选择的专业分布作为比较者,数量过多的人拒绝了外科专业,儿科和妇产科(O&G)。经过认真考虑后,相对很少有医生拒绝接受全科医生。拒绝医院医学和外科专科或儿科的医生最有可能指出与生活质量有关的原因。由于职业前景不佳,1999年拒绝O&G的毕业生中有四分之三这样做了。结论:生活质量问题以及对工作关系的关注足以说服许多医生放弃最初的医疗职业选择。 GP入院率的下降不太可能归因于最初选择GP的医生对GP的拒绝。因此,这种下降必须代表从未认真考虑过将其视为长期职业选择的医生人数的增加。



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