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Learning preferences, computer attitudes, and student evaluation of computerised instruction.


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OBJECTIVE: To explore the relationship between learning preferences, attitudes towards computers, and student evaluation of a computer-assisted instructional (CAI) program. CONTEXT: A third year required clerkship in surgery at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. METHODS: A mixed-methods design combining attitudinal measures and qualitative interviews was employed to assess student reactions to a CAI program on angiography completed during a required surgical clerkship. Between January 1998 and July 1999, 151 students completed the program. Prior to participating, students completed the Rezler Learning Preference Inventory (LPI) and a computer attitudes survey (CAS). The LPI characterizes learning preferences as being abstract or concrete, individual or interpersonal, and student-structured or teacher-structured. The CAS measures attitudes towards computers and their role in education. After using the CAI program, students evaluated the module by completing an 18 item questionnaire. Based on LPI and CAS scores, 31 students were invited to participate in an in-depth qualitative interview on their experiences and perceptions of the program. RESULTS: There was no relationship between learning preferences, computer attitudes, and evaluation of the CAI program. Students were very positive about the program's content, clarity, organization, and ease of use. They also rated it as efficient and effective. However, many still indicated a preference for lecture and text-based learning. Qualitative interviews suggest students worry computers will supplant student--teacher contact. CONCLUSIONS: Learning preferences and prior attitudes toward computers did not bias student reactions to the CAI program assessed in this study. However, students expressed concerns that CAI would interfere with the traditional student--teacher encounter and relationship.
机译:目的:探讨学习偏好,对计算机的态度与学生对计算机辅助教学(CAI)程序的评估之间的关系。背景:第三年需要在内布拉斯加大学医学中心从事外科手术。方法:采用态度方法和定性访谈相结合的混合方法设计,以评估学生对在必要的外科书记期间完成的血管造影CAI程序的反应。从1998年1月到1999年7月,有151名学生完成了该计划。在参加之前,学生需要完成Rezler学习偏好量表(LPI)和计算机态度调查(CAS)。 LPI将学习偏好描述为抽象或具体,个人或人际关系以及学生结构或教师结构。 CAS衡量对计算机及其在教育中的作用的态度。使用CAI程序后,学生通过填写18项问卷调查表对模块进行评估。根据LPI和CAS分数,邀请31名学生参加有关他们对该计划的经验和看法的深入定性访谈。结果:学习偏好,计算机态度和CAI程序评估之间没有关系。学生对该程序的内容,清晰度,组织性和易用性非常满意。他们还认为它是有效的。但是,许多人仍然表示倾向于讲课和基于文本的学习。定性访谈表明,学生担心计算机会取代学生与老师的联系。结论:学习偏好和对计算机的先前态度并未使学生对本研究评估的CAI计划的反应产生偏差。但是,学生们担心CAI会干扰传统的师生相遇和人际关系。



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