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Playing-related musculoskeletal disorders among Icelandic music students: Differences between students playing classical vs rhythmic music


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Most research studies investigating the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders affecting musicians and music students have focused on classical music, while less is known about their prevalence in other music genres. The purpose of this study was to document cumulative and point prevalence of playing-related musculoskeletal disorders (PRMD) among music students in Iceland and, specifically, to identify differences between those studying classical vs rhythmic music. We hypothesized that students of classical music would report more frequent and more severe musculoskeletal disorders than students involved in rhythmic music, as classical instruments and composition typically require more demanding, sustained postures during practice and performance. A total of 74 students from two classical music schools (schools A and B) and 1 rhythmic school (school C) participated in the study by answering a questionnaire assessing PRMDs. The results showed that 62% of participants had, at some point in their musical career, suffered a PRMD. The cumulative prevalence was highest in music school A (71.4%) and lowest in music school C (38.9%). A statistically significant difference was identified between the cumulative prevalence of PRMD from schools A and B combined compared to music school C (p=0.019). Over 40% of participants reported a "current PRMD," and a significant difference was identified between the three schools (p=0.011), with the highest point prevalence being registered in music school A (66.6%) and the lowest in music school C (22.2%). The prevalence of PRMDs among Icelandic music students was high. The difference found between students who play classical vs rhythmic music may be explained by different demands of the instruments and composition on playing posture.
机译:大多数研究影响音乐家和音乐学生的肌肉骨骼疾病的流行的研究都集中在古典音乐上,而对于其他音乐流派中他们的流行知之甚少。这项研究的目的是记录冰岛音乐学生中与演奏有关的肌肉骨骼疾病(PRMD)的累积和累积流行率,特别是确定那些学习古典音乐与有节奏音乐的人之间的差异。我们假设古典音乐的学生会比有节奏的音乐的学生报告更频繁,更严重的肌肉骨骼疾病,因为古典乐器和乐曲在练习和演奏时通常要求更苛刻的持续姿势。来自两所古典音乐学校(A和B学校)和一所节奏学校(C语言学校)的74名学生通过回答评估PRMD的问卷参加了这项研究。结果表明,有62%的参与者在他们的音乐生涯中曾遭受PRMD。音乐学校A的累积患病率最高(71.4%),音乐学校C的累积患病率最低(38.9%)。从音乐学校A到音乐学校C相比,来自学校A和学校B的PRMD累积患病率存在​​统计学差异(p = 0.019)。超过40%的参与者报告了“当前PRMD”,并且在三所学校之间发现了显着差异(p = 0.011),其中音乐学校A的最高点患病率(66.6%),而音乐学校C的最低点患病率(22.2%)。冰岛音乐系学生中PRMD的患病率很高。演奏古典音乐和有节奏音乐的学生之间发现的差异可能是由于乐器的要求和演奏姿势的不同所致。



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