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Approaches to and Treatment Strategies for Playing-Related Pain Problems Among Czech Instrumental Music Students


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The current study examined the severity of playing-related pain (PRP) problems among music students at the Prague State Conservatoire, as well as the various treatment methods used by these students and how they approach and deal with these phenomena while studying. In total, 180 instrumental students participated and completed a paper questionnaire. Of these, 88.9% reported that they had experienced PRP at least once in their lives, with 12.6% experiencing pain every time they play. The onset of PRP seemed to coincide with the transition period on entry to the conservatoire and was associated with the increase in hours of practice. Specific body regions associated with playing each particular instrument were most frequently affected, with females being more susceptible than males to the development of PRP. An alarming 35% of the affected students tended not to seek help at all, whereas those who did tended to seek advice first from their instrument tutor and second from medical doctors. Most students who visited doctors reported that medical treatments only partially helped them to overcome PRP problems. The most frequent treatment methods used were resting, gel or creams, and physical exercises. Students believed that inappropriate posture played a key role in the development of their PRP problems. Finally, students indicated a willingness to be aware of and educated about PRP issues during their studies. Further exploration of PRP problems among student musicians is warranted. Better understanding of differing attitudes toward, use of and efficiency of various treatment methods after the occurrence of PRPs will provide additional insight for prevention and treatment.
机译:本研究调查了布拉格国立音乐学院音乐系学生演奏相关的疼痛(PRP)问题的严重性,以及这些学生所使用的各种治疗方法,以及他们在学习时如何处理和应对这些现象。总共有180名乐器学生参加并完成了纸质问卷。其中,有88.9%的人报告说他们一生中至少经历过一次PRP,有12.6%的人每次玩游戏时都会感到疼痛。 PRP的发作似乎与进入音乐学院的过渡时期相符,并且与练习时间的增加有关。与演奏每种特定乐器相关的特定身体部位受到的影响最大,女性比男性更容易感染PRP。令人震惊的35%的受影响学生往往根本不寻求帮助,而那些确实做到这一点的学生往往首先从他们的乐器辅导员那里寻求建议,其次从医生那里寻求建议。大多数拜访医生的学生报告说,药物治疗仅部分帮助他们克服了PRP问题。最常用的治疗方法是静息,凝胶或乳霜和体育锻炼。学生认为不合适的姿势在他们的PRP问题的发展中起着关键作用。最后,学生表示愿意在学习期间了解和教育有关PRP的问题。有必要进一步研究学生音乐家中的PRP问题。发生PRP后更好地了解各种治疗方法的态度,使用和效率,将为预防和治疗提供更多见解。



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