首页> 外文期刊>Maternal and child health journal >Maternal Smoking and the Timing of WIC Enrollment: A Response to Davis, Lazariu and Sekhobo

Maternal Smoking and the Timing of WIC Enrollment: A Response to Davis, Lazariu and Sekhobo


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To the Editor,We want to thank Christopher Davis, Victoria Lazariu and Jackson Sekhobo for their detailed comments on our paper, "Maternal Smoking and the Timing of WIC Enrollment." We provide a point-by-point response to their key comments below. However, before responding in detail, we would like to explain why we choose to examine an association between the timing of WIC enrollment and smoking. Our rationale goes to the heart of a larger exchange, which we would like to encourage among readers of this journal: whether a supplemental nutrition program that provides relatively modest calorie, protein and micronutrient supplements to pregnant women is likely to have a meaningful effect on birth outcomes in a developed country like the US,
机译:对于编辑,我们要感谢克里斯托弗·戴维斯(Christopher Davis),维多利亚·拉扎留(Victoria Lazariu)和杰克逊·塞霍博(Jackson Sekhobo)对我们的论文《母亲吸烟与WIC入学时机》的详细评论。我们对他们在下面的关键评论进行逐点回应。但是,在详细回答之前,我们想解释为什么我们选择研究WIC入学时间与吸烟之间的关联。我们的理论基础是进行较大规模交流的核心,在此,我们希望鼓励读者进行交流:是否为孕妇提供相对适度的卡路里,蛋白质和微量营养素补充剂的补充营养计划可能对出生产生有意义的影响美国等发达国家的成果,



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