
Copper highlights


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In recent weeks, three-month LME copper prices have stalled just below the 4,000 dollars/tonne level (1,81 dollars/lb) as the spotlight has moved away from supply disruptions (the four-month Asarco strike and the one-month Falconbridge strike both now resolved) and recovering US demand, to focus instead on China -and specifically the actions of the State Reserve Bureau (SRB), which is releasing metal onto the market from its stockpile. The tonnage to be sold has been reported as anything up to 500,000 tonnes, according to some far-fetched stories that claim to quote SRB officials directly. However, this is simply unrealistic as there is no way the bureau could be holding such a large quantity. The more sensible estimates put the amount to be disposed of at around 80,000-100,000 tonnes. MBR understands from reliable sources that the SRB has built its total holding up to 200,000-250,000 tonnes this year following sales of around 300,0000 tonnes in 2004. Therefore a disposal totalling up to 100,000 tonnes this year is quite feasible. However, it should be remembered that the SRB's motivation is to bring domestic prices down and try to re-establish an orderly market. Therefore, if sales of 100,000 tonnes are comfortably absorbed by the market and fail to dampen prices (which seems to be the case so far), the SRB may yet authorise more sales.
机译:最近几周,三个月期伦敦金属交易所的铜价停滞在4,000美元/吨(1,81美元/磅)的水平之下,这是因为聚光灯已摆脱供应中断(四个月的Asarco罢工和一个月的Falconbridge)罢工(现在已经解决)和恢复美国需求,而是集中于中国-特别是国家储备局(SRB)的行动,后者正在将金属从其库存中释放出来。据一些牵强附会的报道声称直接引用SRB官员的话,据报道将出售的吨位高达50万吨。但是,这简直是不现实的,因为无线电通信局不可能持有这么大的数量。更为明智的估计是要处置的金属量约为80,000-100,000吨。 MBR从可靠的消息来源获悉,继2004年的销售量约为300,000吨之后,SRB今年的总库存量已达到200,000-250,000吨。因此,今年处置总量达100,000吨是相当可行的。但是,应该记住,SRB的动机是降低国内价格并试图重新建立有序的市场。因此,如果100,000吨的销售能被市场轻松吸收并且不能抑制价格(到目前为止似乎是这样),SRB可能会授权更多的销售。



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