首页> 外文期刊>Medical Journal Armed Forces India >A case of bilateral developmental cataract with non-syndromic cyanotic congenital heart disease

A case of bilateral developmental cataract with non-syndromic cyanotic congenital heart disease


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Paediatric cataract is one of the major causes of childhood blindness, constituting almost 10—12% of cases. A number of these cases are associated with syndromes, especially bilateral cases. Common syndromes associated are Downs, patau, trisomy 18 etc. Congenital heart disease is one of the commonest childhood birth defects which affects almost 1% of live child births.1'2 A number of these cases, especially syn-dromic, have a number of ocular pathologies like ptosis, squint, cataract, Optic disc hypoplasia, retinal haemorrhages and vascular tortuosity. However, there are very few studies which document ocular pathologies and congenital heart disease. A.M. Mansour et al.3 in 2004 studied 240 cases of congenital heart disease and ocular pathologies. Only six of their cases had congenital cataract, of which only one was non-syndromic. There are no other case reports available which document a case of bilateral cataract in a child of cyanotic congenital heart disease, which is non-syndromic.
机译:小儿白内障是导致儿童失明的主要原因之一,占病例的近10%至12%。这些病例中有许多与综合症有关,尤其是双侧病例。先天性心脏病是儿童最常见的儿童出生缺陷之一,影响了将近1%的活产婴儿。1'2这些病例中有许多,特别是综合症状,其中很多眼部疾病如上睑下垂,斜眼,白内障,视盘发育不全,视网膜出血和血管曲折。但是,很少有研究记录眼部病理和先天性心脏病。上午。 Mansour等人3在2004年研究了240例先天性心脏病和眼部疾病。他们的病例中只有6例患有先天性白内障,其中只有1例是非综合症。没有其他病例报告可证明儿童非先兆性发con性先天性心脏病患双侧白内障。



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