首页> 外文期刊>Medical hypotheses >Statins can be the potential therapeutic agents for reducing infection evoked cholangiopathy after liver transplantation?

Statins can be the potential therapeutic agents for reducing infection evoked cholangiopathy after liver transplantation?


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Biliary infection, including bacteria and cytomegalovirus (CMV), can induce inflammatory response and lead to bile duct damage after liver transplantation. This process may involve a major class of pattern recognition receptors-TLRs (Toll-like receptors). Stimulation of these receptors by pathogens (CMV, bacteria, etc.) in bile duct can induce the secretion of a series of cytokines/chemokines mainly via a TLR-2/4-MyD88-dependent pathway. Strategies for prevention and treatment of biliary infection, such as selective digestive decontamination (SDD) and preemptive therapy with gancyclovir and antibiotics are not so satisfactory. Statin, a HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor, have special anti-inflammatory abilities. They can inhibit the expression of TLR-4 and TLR-2, and block the signaling pathways of LPS (TLR-2/4), virus-encoded envelope proteins (TLR-2) and HSP70 (TLR-2/4), This process can lead to a reduction of effector cytokines/chemokines. In addition, statins can suppress the replication of CMV by reducing NF-kappaB binding activity. We hypothesized that statins can be useful for reducing infection evoked cholangiopathy after liver transplantation. We provide reliable evidence supporting the hypothesis and offer proposals for future application.
机译:胆道感染,包括细菌和巨细胞病毒(CMV),可引起炎症反应并导致肝移植后胆管损伤。该过程可能涉及一类主要的模式识别受体-TLR(Toll样受体)。病原体(CMV,细菌等)在胆管中刺激这些受体可以主要通过TLR-2 / 4-MyD88依赖性途径诱导一系列细胞因子/趋化因子的分泌。预防和治疗胆道感染的策略,例如选择性消化净化(SDD)以及更昔洛韦和抗生素的抢先治疗,并不令人满意。 Statin是HMG-CoA还原酶抑制剂,具有特殊的抗炎能力。它们可以抑制TLR-4和TLR-2的表达,并阻断LPS(TLR-2 / 4),病毒编码的包膜蛋白(TLR-2)和HSP70(TLR-2 / 4)的信号通路,该过程可以导致效应细胞因子/趋化因子的减少。此外,他汀类药物可通过降低NF-κB结合活性来抑制CMV复制。我们假设他汀类药物可用于减少肝移植后引起的感染引起的胆管疾病。我们提供支持该假设的可靠证据,并提供建议以供将来应用。



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