
Continental charm


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The word charcuterie is derived from the French words for flesh 'chair' and cooked 'cuit', and thus translates to mean 'cooked meats.' The art of charcuterie was originally developed as a practical measure, to preserve meats, particularly pork, beforethe invention of refrigeration. Dating back some 6,000 years, it became popular during the Roman Empire, but only developed into the art form it is today in France during the Middle Ages. In the 15th century, skilled French charcutiers produced a rangeof cooked, salted or dried meats, which varied from region to region. Over time, the art of charcuterie spread to neighbouring countries, developing into regional specialities such as the German 'Frankfurt' sausage and the Italian 'Milano salami'. By the late 17th century, methods for curing and smoking pork had been introduced to the UK from the Continent and butchers began to produce hams and gammons for the table.
机译:熟食店一词源自法语中的肉“椅子”和熟食“ cuit”,因此翻译为“熟肉”。熟食店的艺术最初是作为一种实用手段发展起来的,以在冷藏发明之前保存肉类,尤其是猪肉。它的历史可以追溯到大约6,000年,在罗马帝国期间很流行,但是直到中世纪在法国才发展成今天的艺术形式。在15世纪,法国熟练的熟食者生产了各种熟食,咸肉或干肉,各地不同。随着时间的流逝,熟食店的艺术传播到邻国,发展成为地区特色菜,例如德国的“法兰克福”香肠和意大利的“米兰香肠”。到17世纪末,从欧洲开始将熏制和熏制猪肉的方法引入英国,而屠夫开始为餐桌制作火腿和腌火腿。



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