首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences >Effects of trophic status and wetland morphology, hydroperiod, and waterchemistry on mercury concentrations in fish

Effects of trophic status and wetland morphology, hydroperiod, and waterchemistry on mercury concentrations in fish


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We sampled fish and selected water chemistry variables (dissolved organic carbon, sulfate, and pH) in nine southeastern depression wetlands to determine relationships among wetland morphology (surface area and maximum depth), hydrology, water chemistry, and bioaccumulation of mercury (Hg) in fishes. We concentrated on three fish species representing the range of trophic levels occupied by fish in southeastern depression wetlands. Whole-body Hg concentrations were lowest in lake chubsucker (Erimyzon sucetta), a benthic detritivore, and highest in redfin pickerel (Esox americanus americanus), a top carnivore. However, variation in Hg concentrations among wetlands was greater than variation among species. Regression analyses indicated that maximum depth and hydroperiod accounted for significant portions of variation among wetlands in standardized lake chubsucker and redfin pickerel Hg concentrations. Maximum depth and dissolved organic carbon had a negative effect on standardized Hg concentrations in mud sunfish (Acantharchus pomotis). Path analysis confirmed the results of regression analyses, with maximum depth and hydroperiod having relatively large direct negative effects on Hg concentrations. Our results suggest that leaching of Hg from sediments during the drying and reflooding cycle and binding of Hg species by dissolved organic carbon in the water column are primary factors controlling the bioavailability of Hg in southeastern depression wetlands.
机译:我们在东南洼的9个湿地中对鱼类进行了采样并选择了水化学变量(溶解的有机碳,硫酸盐和pH),以确定湿地形态(表面积和最大深度),水文,水化学和汞的生物累积之间的关系。鱼。我们集中研究了三种鱼类,它们代表了东南洼地湿地鱼类所占据的营养水平范围。在底栖的底特律楚布克湖(Erimyzon sucetta)中,人体中的汞含量最低,在食肉动物中,红鳍fin(Esox americanus americanus)中的汞含量最高。但是,湿地中汞浓度的变化大于物种之间的变化。回归分析表明,在标准楚布克湖和赤鳍鱼pick汞浓度中,最大深度和水文期占湿地变化的重要部分。最大深度和溶解的有机碳对泥sun鱼(Acantharchus pomotis)中的标准Hg浓度有负面影响。路径分析证实了回归分析的结果,最大深度和水周期对汞浓度具有较大的直接负面影响。我们的研究结果表明,在干燥和驱替循环过程中从沉积物中浸出Hg以及水柱中溶解有机碳与Hg的结合是控制东南洼地湿地Hg生物利用度的主要因素。



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