首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of earth sciences >Trace-element geochemistry of metabasaltic rocks from the Yukon-Tanana Upland and implications for the origin of tectonic assemblages in east-central Alaska

Trace-element geochemistry of metabasaltic rocks from the Yukon-Tanana Upland and implications for the origin of tectonic assemblages in east-central Alaska


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We present major- and trace- elementgeochemical data for 27 amphibolites and six greenstones fromthree structural packages in the Yukon-Tanana Upland of east-central Alaska: the Lake George assemblage (LG) of Devono--Mississippian augen gneiss, quartz-mica schist, quartzite, andamphibolite; the Taylor Mountain assemblage (TM) of maficschist and gneiss, marble, quartzite, and metachert; and theSeventymile terrane of greenstone, serpentinized peridotite, andMississippian to Late Triassic metasedimentary rocks. Most LGamphibolites have relatively high Nb, TiO_2, Zr, and light rareearth element contents, indicative of an alkalic to tholeiitic,within-plate basalt origin. The within-plate affinities of the LGamphibolites suggest that their basaltic parent magmasdeveloped in an extensional setting and support a correlation ofthese metamorphosed continental-margin rocks with lessmetamorphosed counterparts across the Tintina fault in theSelwyn Basin of the Canadian Cordillera. TM amphiboliteshave a tholeutic or caic-alkalic composition, low normalizedabundances of Nb and Ta relative to Th and La, and Ti/V valuesof <20, all indicative of a volcanic-arc origin. Limited resultsfrom Seventymile greenstones indicate a tholeiitic or calc-alkalic composition and intermediate to high Ti/V values (27-48), consistent with either a within-plate or an ocean-floor basaltorigin. Y-La-Nb proportions in both TM and Seventymilemetabasalts indicate the proximity of the arc and marginal basinto continental crust. The arc geochemistry of TM amphibolitesis consistent with a model in which the TM assemblage includesarc rocks generated above a west-dipping subduction zoneoutboard of the North American continental margin in mid-Paleozoic through Triassic time. The ocean-floor or within-platebasalt geochemistry of the Seventymile greenstones supports thecorrelation of the Seventymile terrane with the Slide Mountainterrane in Canada and the hypothesis that these oceanic rocksoriginated in a basin between the continental margin and an arc to the west.
机译:我们提供了阿拉斯加中东部育空地区-塔纳纳山地三个构造组合中27个闪石和6个绿岩的主要和痕量元素地球化学数据:得文诺-密西西比河奥根片麻岩,乔治·云母片岩,石英岩和闪石;黑手党和片麻岩,大理石,石英岩和阶石的泰勒山组合(TM);以及绿岩,蛇纹岩化橄榄岩和密西西比至三叠纪晚期沉积沉积岩的七十英里地层。大多数LGamphibolites具有相对较高的Nb,TiO_2,Zr和轻稀土元素含量,这表明板内玄武岩成因为碱性至高渗。 LGamphibolites的板内亲和力表明它们的玄武岩母岩浆在伸展的环境中发育,并支持了这些变质的大陆边缘岩石与加拿大Cordillera的Selwyn盆地的Tintina断层上变质程度较小的对应物的相关性。 TM角闪石具有苏状或钙碱性组成,相对于Th和La具有较低的Nb和Ta归一化丰度,且Ti / V值小于20,均表明火山弧起源。 Seventymile绿岩的有限结果表明,其成分为高钾或钙碱性,且Ti / V值介于中等至较高(27-48),与板内或海底玄武岩一致。 TM和Seventymilemetabasalts中的Y-La-Nb比例表明弧和边缘盆地与大陆壳的接近。 TM闪石的弧形地球化学与一个模型一致,在该模型中,TM组合包括古生代至三叠纪时期北美大陆边缘西倾俯冲带外侧上方生成的弧形岩石。 Seventymile绿岩的海底或板内玄武岩地球化学支持加拿大的Seventymile地层与Slide山地层的相关性,以及这些海洋岩石起源于大陆边缘与西部弧之间的盆地的假设。



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