首页> 外文期刊>Marine Geology >Mechanisms underlying the regional morphological differences between the northern and southern radial sand ridges along the Jiangsu Coast, China

Mechanisms underlying the regional morphological differences between the northern and southern radial sand ridges along the Jiangsu Coast, China


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Radial sand ridges (RSRs) spread in a fan-shaped pattern over the seabed of the southern Yellow Sea along the Jiangsu Coast (China) with pronounced differences between the northern and southern channel-shoals (indicated as "NCS" and "SCS", respectively). A depth-averaged nested numerical model is employed to analyze the tidal hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics of the RSRs. Model results show considerable regional differences in terms of tidal current vector ellipses: "eight-shaped" ellipses are typical in the NCS where rotational tidal waves dominate, while the SCS are characterized by "egg-shaped" ellipses because of the dominance of progressive tidal waves. Sand ridges tend to be elongated and straight in the NCS while short and dincontinuous in the SCS. Numerical Lagrange particles released near the ridges in the NCS tend to travel across the crest of the ridges rather than move around them as observed in the SCS. Consistently, the patterns of sediment convergence and divergence indicate that suspended sediments converge over the whole Xiaoyinsha Ridge located in the NCS, while converge to the two sides of the Hetunsha Ridge located in the SCS. Model results also highlight the importance of initial sediment compositions in determining patterns of the net sediment fluxes. The suspended sediment concentration (SSC) time series during one tidal cycle may show single or double peaks depending on the grain size and the related lag effect. Bed load transport is much smaller than suspended load. So sediment compositions should be carefully considered when simulating the SSC field, and the hydrodynamic of the morphological evolution of the RSRs at the regional scale. Overall, this study suggests that the NCS and SCS may be treated as two relatively independent geomorphological systems characterized by different tidal flows and sediment compositions. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:放射状沙脊(RSR)以扇形分布在沿江苏沿海(中国)的南黄海海床上,北部和南部河道浅滩之间有明显差异(表示为“ NCS”和“ SCS”,分别)。采用深度平均嵌套数值模型来分析RSRs的潮汐水动力和泥沙动力。模型结果显示了在潮流矢量椭圆方面的显着区域差异:在NCS中,“八形”椭圆是典型的,其中旋转潮汐占主导,而SCS由于“渐进潮汐”的优势而具有“卵形”椭圆的特征。波浪。在NCS中,沙脊趋于细长而笔直,而在SCS中,则呈短而不连续。在NCS的山脊附近释放的数值拉格朗日粒子倾向于穿越山脊的顶峰,而不是像在SCS中观察到的那样绕它们移动。一致的是,沉积物的收敛和发散模式表明,悬浮的沉积物会聚在位于北卡罗来纳州的整个小阴沙山脊上,而会聚到位于南卡罗来纳州的河屯沙山脊的两侧。模型结果还强调了初始沉积物成分在确定净沉积物通量模式中的重要性。一个潮汐周期中的悬浮沉积物浓度(SSC)时间序列可能会显示一个或两个峰值,具体取决于晶粒尺寸和相关的滞后效应。床载运输比悬吊运输小得多。因此,在模拟SSC场和区域范围内RSR形态演化的水动力时,应仔细考虑沉积物成分。总体而言,这项研究表明,NCS和SCS可以被视为两个相对独立的地貌系统,其特征是潮汐流和沉积物成分不同。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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