首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of earth sciences >Middle Ordovician (Whiterockian) trilobite Bathyurus angelini Billings 1859 from the Carillon Formation (uppermost Beekmantown Group) at Kahnawake, Quebec, and correlative trilobites from eastern Canada

Middle Ordovician (Whiterockian) trilobite Bathyurus angelini Billings 1859 from the Carillon Formation (uppermost Beekmantown Group) at Kahnawake, Quebec, and correlative trilobites from eastern Canada

机译:魁北克省卡纳瓦克(Carahnawake)的Carillon组(最上层的Beekmantown组)的中奥陶纪(Whiterockian)Bathyurus angelini Billings 1859,以及加拿大东部的相关三叶虫

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Shaly carbonate beds at the top of the Beekmantown Group in the Montreal area contain a shallow-water, nearshore fauna of the trilobite Bathyurus angelini Billings, the ostracod Isochilina sp., and poorly preserved conodonts of probable Whiterockian age. The assemblage is compared with faunas in peritidal carbonates of the upper Aguathuna and lower Table Point formations of western Newfoundland containing the trilobite Bathyurus perplexus Billings, ostracods, brachiopods, and a well-developed conodont fauna of early Whiterockian (late Arenig to early Llanvirn) age. Additionally, key Whiterockian brachiopods from the Romaine Formation of the Mingan Islands are here illustrated for the first time. [References: 46]
机译:蒙特利尔地区Beekmantown组顶部的碳酸盐岩床中,有一个浅水近岸动物群,即三叶虫Bathyurus angelini Billings,被捕食的原螯虾Isochilina sp。和可能保存有Whiterockian年龄的牙形石保存不佳。将该组合与动物群进行比较,包括上层的Aguathuna的碳酸盐岩动物群和纽芬兰西部的Table Table下部的点状碳酸盐岩动物群,其中包括三叶虫贝柳斯比目鱼,成龙类,腕足类动物以及怀特罗克岩早期(阿雷尼格晚期至​​拉尔维恩早期)年龄发达的牙形动物群。 。此外,在此首次例示了来自明安群岛长叶人岩层的重要Whiterockian腕足动物。 [参考:46]



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