首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Forest Research >Predominant paternal inheritance pattern of light-energy processing adaptive traits in red and black spruce hybrids

Predominant paternal inheritance pattern of light-energy processing adaptive traits in red and black spruce hybrids


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Ecophysiological traits related to light energy processing and freezing tolerance are important adaptive traits in plants. Our goal was to investigate the pattern of inheritance of these traits in hybrids using controlled intra- and inter-specific crosses of red spruce (Picea rubens) (RS) and black spruce (Picea mariana) (BS). Our initial working hypothesis was that expected hybrid index categories could be a predictor of adaptive traits. AT least three different sets of parent trees were selected from controlled crosses performed over 3 years, and these trees were located on or near the Acadia Research Forest in New Brunswick, Canada. Species results of dark-adapted photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) and light-adapted light energy processing traits, quantum yield (YLD), thermal dissipation efficiency (qN), and chlorophyll fluorescence (Fpc), were consistent with previously published open-pollinated, species provenance results. Initially, YLD, qN, and Fpc, showed an additive inheritance pattern, evident by average hybrid index 50 having a mid-parent value. Because of various crosstypes of the hybrid families, parental analysis, testing male, female, and interaction effects, and having three categories (pure RS, pure BS, and hybrid spruce), revealed significant male and nonsignificant female and interactive effects. Underlying the averaged additive results was a significant species-specific paternal inheritance pattern. Crosses with BS males had 13.7% higher YLD (P=0.001), 15.4% lower qN (P=0.008), and 43.0% higher Fpc (P=0.096) than crosses with either RS or hybrid males. Fv/Fm showed a nonadditive or parental species pattern. Parental analysis of Fv/Fm showed significant male, female, and male x female interaction effects, and further analysis supports a largely species-specific and paternally inherited trait. Freezing tolerance revealed a mixed model of inheritance dominated by species effects. Total dry mass was positively correlated with YLD, and negatively correlated with Fv/Fm and qN, suggesting a biological tradeoff. We know of no other studies in trees demonstrating paternal inheritance of ecophysiological processes that affect adaptation and fitness..
机译:与光能加工和抗冻性有关的生态生理性状是植物中重要的适应性状。我们的目标是研究使用红色云杉(Picea rubens)(RS)和黑云杉(Picea mariana)(BS)的种内和种间杂交来研究这些性状在杂种中的遗传模式。我们最初的工作假设是,预期的杂种指数类别可能是适应性状的预测指标。从过去3年进行的对照杂交中至少选择了三组不同的亲本树,这些树位于加拿大新不伦瑞克省的阿卡迪亚研究森林上或附近。暗适应的光化学效率(Fv / Fm)和光适应的光能加工性状,量子产率(YLD),散热效率(qN)和叶绿素荧光(Fpc)的物种结果与以前发表的开放授粉的一致,物种出处结果。最初,YLD,qN和Fpc显示出加性遗传模式,这由具有中等亲子值的平均杂交指数50所证明。由于杂种家族的各种交叉类型,父母分析,测试雄性,雌性和交互作用,并具有三类(纯RS,纯BS和杂种云杉),显示出显着的雄性和非显着的雌性和交互作用。平均加性结果的基础是显着的物种特异性父本遗传模式。与BS雄性杂交后代比RS或杂种雄性杂交后代的YLD高(13.7%)(P = 0.001),qN降低了15.4%(P = 0.008),Fpc升高了43.0%(P = 0.096)。 Fv / Fm显示非加性或亲本物种模式。父母对Fv / Fm的分析显示出显着的雄性,雌性和雄性x雌性交互作用,进一步的分析支持了很大程度上是物种特异性的和父系遗传的性状。耐冻性揭示了一种以物种效应为主的混合遗传模型。总干重与YLD呈正相关,与Fv / Fm和qN呈负相关,表明生物学上的权衡。我们没有其他关于树木的研究能够证明父本对影响适应性和适应性的生态生理过程的遗传。



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