首页> 外文期刊>Gastroenterology >SCENIC International Consensus Statement on Surveillance and Management of Dysplasia in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

SCENIC International Consensus Statement on Surveillance and Management of Dysplasia in Inflammatory Bowel Disease


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Patients with ulcerative colitis or Crohn's colitis have an increased risk of colorectal cancer (CRC). Most cases are believed to arise from dysplasia, and surveillance colonoscopy therefore is recommended to detect dysplasia. Detection of dysplasia traditionally has relied on both examination of the mucosa with targeted biopsies of visible lesions and extensive random biopsies to identify invisible dysplasia. Current U.S. guidelines recommend obtaining at least 32 random biopsy specimens from all segments of the colon as the foundation of endoscopic surveillance.(1-4) However, much of the evidence that provides a basis for these recommendations is from older literature, when most dysplasia was diagnosed on randombiopsies of colon mucosa.(5) With the advent of video endoscopy and newer endoscopic technologies, investigators now report that most dysplasia discovered in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is visible.(6,7) Such a paradigm shift may have important implications for the surveillance and management of dysplasia. The evolving evidence regarding newer endoscopic methods to detect dysplasia has resulted in variation among guideline recommendations from organizations around the world.(1-4,8-10) We therefore sought to develop unifying consensus recommendations addressing 2 issues: (1) How should surveillance colonoscopy for detection of dysplasia be performed? (2) How should dysplasia identified at colonoscopy be managed?
机译:溃疡性结肠炎或克罗恩氏结肠炎患者的结直肠癌(CRC)风险增加。据信大多数病例是由不典型增生引起的,因此建议进行结肠镜检查以发现不典型增生。传统上,对不典型增生的检测既依赖于针对粘膜的可见病灶活检,也需要进行广泛的随机活检以识别不典型增生。美国现行指南建议从结肠的所有部位至少采集32份活检样本作为内窥镜检查的基础。(1-4)但是,为这些建议提供依据的许多证据来自较早的文献,当时大多数发育不良被诊断为结肠粘膜随机活检。(5)随着视频内窥镜检查和新型内窥镜技术的出现,研究人员现在报告说,在炎症性肠病(IBD)患者中发现的大多数发育异常是可见的。(6,7)可能对发育异常的监视和处理具有重要意义。关于使用新型内窥镜检测异型增生的方法的证据不断发展,导致来自世界各地组织的指南建议存在差异。(1-4,8-​​10)因此,我们寻求制定针对以下两个问题的统一共识建议:(1)如何进行监测进行结肠镜检查以检查是否异常增生? (2)如何处理在结肠镜检查中发现的不典型增生?



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