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Radiation Therapy Induces Macrophages to Suppress T-Cell Responses Against Pancreatic Tumors in Mice


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: The role of radiation therapy in the treatment of patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is controversial. Randomized controlled trials investigating the efficacy of radiation therapy in patients with locally advanced unresectable PDA have reported mixed results, with effects ranging from modest benefit to worse outcomes compared with control therapies. We investigated whether radiation causes inflammatory cells to acquire an immune-suppressive phenotype that limits the therapeutic effects of radiation on invasive PDAs and accelerates progression of preinvasive foci. METHODS: We investigated the effects of radiation therapy in p48(Cre); LSL-Kras(G12D) (KC) and p48(Cre); LSLK-ras(G12D); LSL-Trp53(R172H) (KPC) mice, as well as in C57BL/6 mice with orthotopic tumors grown from FC1242 cells derived from KPC mice. Some mice were given neutralizing antibodies against macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF1 or MCSF) or F4/80. Pancreata were exposed to doses of radiation ranging from 2 to 12 Gy and analyzed by flow cytometry. RESULTS: Pancreata of KC mice exposed to radiation had a higher frequency of advanced pancreatic intraepithelial lesions and more foci of invasive cancer than pancreata of unexposed mice (controls); radiation reduced survival time by more than 6 months. A greater proportion of macrophages from radiation treated invasive and preinvasive pancreatic tumors had an immune-suppressive, M2-like phenotype compared with control mice. Pancreata from mice exposed to radiation had fewer CD8(+) T cells than controls, and greater numbers of CD4(+) T cells of T-helper 2 and T-regulatory cell phenotypes. Adoptive transfer of T cells from irradiated PDA to tumors of control mice accelerated tumor growth. Radiation induced production of MCSF by PDA cells. A neutralizing antibody against MCSF prevented radiation from altering the phenotype of macrophages in tumors, increasing the anti-tumor T-cell response and slowing tumor growth. CONCLUSIONS: Radiation treatment causes macrophages murine PDA to acquire an immune-suppressive phenotype and disabled T-cell-mediated anti-tumor responses. MCSF blockade negates this effect, allowing radiation to have increased efficacy in slowing tumor growth.
机译:背景与目的:放射治疗在胰腺导管腺癌(PDA)患者治疗中的作用是有争议的。随机对照试验研究了局部晚期无法切除的PDA患者的放射治疗效果,结果却好坏参半,与对照疗法相比,其获益范围从中等到不良。我们调查了辐射是否导致炎症细胞获得免疫抑制表型,从而限制了辐射对有创PDA的治疗效果并加速了创前病灶的进展。方法:我们研究了放射治疗对p48(Cre)的影响; LSL-Kras(G12D)(KC)和p48(Cre); LSLK-ras(G12D); LSL-Trp53(R172H)(KPC)小鼠,以及具有原位肿瘤的C57BL / 6小鼠,该原位肿瘤由源自KPC小鼠的FC1242细胞生长。一些小鼠被给予针对巨噬细胞集落刺激因子1(CSF1或MCSF)或F4 / 80的中和抗体。胰腺暴露于2至12 Gy的辐射剂量,并通过流式细胞仪进行分析。结果:与未暴露的小鼠(对照组)相比,暴露于放射线的KC小鼠的胰腺发生胰腺上皮内病变的频率更高,并且浸润性癌的发生率更高。辐射使生存时间缩短了6个月以上。与对照小鼠相比,来自放射治疗的浸润性和浸润前胰腺肿瘤的巨噬细胞比例更大,具有免疫抑制性的M2样表型。来自暴露于辐射的小鼠的胰腺具有比对照组更少的CD8(+)T细胞,以及更多的T-helper 2和T-调节细胞表型CD4(+)T细胞。 T细胞从辐照PDA的过继转移到对照小鼠的肿瘤加速了肿瘤的生长。辐射诱导PDA细胞产生MCSF。抗MCSF的中和抗体可防止放射线改变肿瘤巨噬细胞的表型,增加抗肿瘤T细胞反应并减慢肿瘤生长。结论:放射治疗可导致巨噬细胞鼠PDA获得免疫抑制表型并禁用T细胞介导的抗肿瘤反应。 MCSF阻断可消除这种效应,从而使放射线具有减缓肿瘤生长的功效。


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