首页> 外文期刊>Turkish journal of biology >Expression Analysis of Genes in the Nif Cluster of Clostridium beijerinckii

Expression Analysis of Genes in the Nif Cluster of Clostridium beijerinckii


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The nif genes of Clostridium beijerinckii NRRL B593 occupy a region of about 16 kilobases. Besides the two glnB-like genes, five other genes are interspersed between the nifNB and the nifVw genes. An expression analysis of the nif genes in nitrogen-fixing and non-nitrogen-fixing cells with probes generated from various regions of the nif cluster by northern blot analysis revealed the presence of four different transcripts in nitrogen-fixing cells. Two of these transcripts had the predicted sizes spanning from nifH to nifK and from nifVw to nifVa, respectively. The other two transcripts did not have the expected sizes, but they suggested the presence of two other polycistronic mRNAs consisting of nifE-nifNB and nirJ1-nirJ2-nirD-nirH, respectively. The absence of the nif and nif-associated mRNAs in RNA samples from non-nitrogen-fixing cells indicated that nif-associated genes are regulated in parallel to nif genes.
机译:Clostridium beijerinckii NRRL B593 的 nif 基因占据约 16 千碱基的区域。除了两个 glnB 样基因外,其他五个基因散布在 nifNB 和 nifVw 基因之间。通过Northern印迹分析,使用从nif簇的不同区域产生的探针对固氮和非固氮细胞中的nif基因进行表达分析,结果显示固氮细胞中存在四种不同的转录本。其中两个转录本的预测大小分别从 nifH 到 nifK 和从 nifVw 到 nifVa。另外两个转录本没有预期的大小,但它们表明存在另外两个分别由 nifE-nifNB 和 nirJ1-nirJ2-nirD-nirH 组成的多顺反子 mRNA。来自非固氮细胞的 RNA 样品中缺少 nif 和 nif 相关 mRNA,表明 nif 相关基因与 nif 基因平行调控。




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