首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries Research >The reduction of cod discards by inserting 300 mm diamond mesh netting in the forward sections of a trawl gear

The reduction of cod discards by inserting 300 mm diamond mesh netting in the forward sections of a trawl gear

机译:通过在拖网渔具的前部插入300 mm的菱形网眼来减少鳕鱼丢弃物

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The results of catch comparison trials of a trawl gear, where the 160 mm mesh size netting in the forward sections of the gear is replaced with 300 mm mesh size netting, are presented. This gear, which has become known as the 'Orkney gear', was designed to reduce, but not eliminate, catches of Atlantic cod in the North Sea mixed whitefish fishery. The results show that the modified gear retains significantly fewer cod smaller than 78 cm while, above 78 cm, there is no significant difference in the amount of cod caught. Catches of monkfish were 16% less, however, there was no significant difference in the numbers of monkfish caught above 55 cm. There was about a 43% loss of megrim across all length classes and there were no losses of haddock and whiting. Crown Copyright
机译:提出了拖网渔具的渔获比较试验结果,其中拖网齿轮前部的160 mm筛网被300 mm筛网代替。这种渔具被称为“奥克尼渔具”,旨在减少但不消除北海混合白鲑渔业中大西洋鳕鱼的捕捞量。结果表明,改进的齿轮在小于78 cm时保留的鳕鱼数量明显减少,而在大于78 cm时,捕获的鳕鱼数量没有显着差异。捕获的安康鱼减少了16%,但是在55厘米以上捕获的安康鱼数量没有显着差异。在所有长度的班级中,大约有43%的megrim损失,没有黑线鳕和白垩病的损失。皇冠版权



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