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The effects of epibenthic communities on reef fishes in the northern Gulf of Mexico


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P>Reef fishes were compared between artificial reefs with (n = 20) and without (n = 20) epibenthic communities in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Artificial reefs were built in June 2003; half were coated with copper-based paint to prevent epibenthic community development. Reefs were surveyed by SCUBA divers to estimate fish abundance in the autumn and winter 2003 and spring 2004. Total fish abundance and abundance of red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus (Poey), and gray triggerfish, Balistes capriscus Gmelin, were significantly (P < 0.05) higher on reefs with epibenthic communities. In the spring 2004, the abundance of belted sandfish, Serranus subligarius (Cope), the size of red snapper and community measures of diversity and evenness were significantly (P < 0.05) greater on unpainted reefs. These significant differences provide evidence that reef fishes were positively affected by the presence of epibenthic organisms that probably provided increased food resources.
机译:比较了墨西哥湾北部有(n = 20)和没有(n = 20)附生群落的人工鱼礁。人造礁石建于2003年6月;一半涂有铜基涂料,以防止表皮群落发育。 SCUBA潜水员对珊瑚礁进行了调查,以估计2003年秋季和冬季以及2004年春季的鱼类丰度。总的鱼类丰度和红鲷鱼Lutjanus campechanus(Poey)和灰色引金鱼Balistes capriscus Gmelin的丰度显着(P <0.05)附生生物群落的礁石更高。在2004年春季,未涂漆的礁石上带状沙鱼,Serranus subligarius(Cope)的丰度,红鲷鱼的大小以及多样性和均匀性的群落测度明显更大(P <0.05)。这些显着差异提供了证据,表明表皮生物的存在对珊瑚鱼产生了积极影响,而表皮生物可能提供了更多的食物资源。



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