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Influence of fish assemblage and shallow lake productivity on waterfowl communities in the Boreal Transition Zone of western Canada


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1. Shallow lakes in the Boreal Transition Zone (BTZ) in Alberta, Canada are naturally productive systems that provide important breeding and moulting habitat for many waterfowl (Anseriformes). To examine the relative importance of biotic and abiotic factors on waterfowl population densities, species richness and community composition, we surveyed 30 shallow lakes and evaluated the relationships among fish communities, lake characteristics and waterfowl in both breeding and moulting habitat. Shallow lakes were either fishless (n = 15), contained only small-bodied fishes (n = 10) or contained large-bodied, mostly predatory, fish in addition to small-bodied fish (n = 5). 2. Environmental factors, including water colour, submerged aquatic vegetation, lake area and potassium, explained 24.3% of the variation in breeding waterfowl communities. Fish assemblage contributed independently to a small but significant proportion (13.4%) of the variation, while 13.8% of the explained variation was shared between environmental factors and fish assemblage. In total, 51.5% of the variation in breeding waterfowl communities was explained. 3. Overall, 55.5% of the total variation in moulting waterfowl communities was explained. Environment alone [especially total phosphorus, lake area, maximum depth and dissolved organic carbon (DOC)] and variation shared by fish and environment similarly accounted for most of the explained variation in moulting waterfowl communities (21.7% and 25.7% respectively), while fish assemblage was only one-third as important (8.1%). 4. Both breeding and moulting waterfowl densities increased with lake productivity, even in eutrophic and hypereutrophic lakes. Breeding waterfowl density was also twice as great in fishless lakes than in lakes with fish, after accounting for lake area. 5. Certain waterfowl taxa were linked to fishless lakes, especially in the moulting season. Canvasback and moulting ring-necked ducks were linked to small-bodied fish lakes, whereas moulting common goldeneye were indicators of large-bodied fish lakes. Knowledge of fish presence and species composition can therefore help guide conservation and management of waterfowl habitat in western Canada. Our results suggest that management efforts to maintain the most productive waterfowl habitat in the BTZ should focus on smaller, shallow, fishless lakes, particularly given that larger fish-bearing systems have greater regulatory protection.
机译:1.加拿大艾伯塔省北方过渡区(BTZ)的浅湖是自然生产系统,为许多水禽(Anseriformes)提供重要的繁殖和换羽栖息地。为了研究生物和非生物因素对水禽种群密度,物种丰富度和群落组成的相对重要性,我们调查了30个浅水湖泊,并评估了繁殖和换羽生境中鱼类群落,湖泊特征和水禽之间的关系。浅水湖泊要么没有鱼类(n = 15),仅包含小鱼(n = 10),要么除了大鱼(n = 5)外还包含大体鱼,大多数为掠食性鱼。 2.环境因素,包括水色,淹没的水生植被,湖泊面积和钾,解释了繁殖水禽群落变化的24.3%。鱼群独立地占很小但很大比例(13.4%)的变异,而所解释变异的13.8%在环境因素和鱼群之间共享。总共解释了繁殖水禽群落中51.5%的变异。 3.总的来说,对换羽水禽群落总变异的55.5%进行了解释。单独解释的环境(尤其是总磷,湖泊面积,最大深度和溶解有机碳(DOC))以及鱼类和环境所共有的变化,也解释了换羽水禽群落的大部分解释变化(分别为21.7%和25.7%),而鱼类为集合仅是重要的三分之一(8.1%)。 4.即使在富营养化和超富营养化的湖泊中,繁殖和换羽的水禽密度也随湖泊生产力的增加而增加。考虑到湖泊面积后,无鱼湖泊的繁殖水禽密度也比有鱼湖泊的繁殖水禽密度高两倍。 5.某些水禽类群与无鱼湖泊有关,特别是在换羽季节。短背和蜕皮的环颈鸭与小鱼湖有关,而换羽的普通金眼鱼则是大鱼湖的标志。因此,了解鱼类的存在和物种组成可以帮助指导加拿大西部水禽栖息地的保护和管理。我们的结果表明,为保持BTZ最富生产力的水禽栖息地而进行的管理工作应集中在较小,浅浅,无鱼的湖泊上,尤其是考虑到较大的鱼类养殖系统具有更好的监管保护。



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