首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >Transfusion-related acute lung injury or acute chest syndrome of sickle cell disease? - A case report: (Une etude de cas : lesion pulmonaire aigue post-transfusionnelle ou syndrome pulmonaire aigu de la drepanocytose ?).

Transfusion-related acute lung injury or acute chest syndrome of sickle cell disease? - A case report: (Une etude de cas : lesion pulmonaire aigue post-transfusionnelle ou syndrome pulmonaire aigu de la drepanocytose ?).

机译:与输血有关的急性肺损伤或镰状细胞病的急性胸部综合征? -病例报告:(一个案例研究:急性输血后肺部病变或急性肺细胞增多症?)。

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PURPOSE: To describe how to differentiate transfusion-related acute lung injury from acute chest syndrome of sickle cell disease. Clinical features: A neurosurgical patient with sickle cell disease received two units of packed red blood cells postoperatively. Four hours later she developed progressive respiratory distress, diffuse geographical airspace disease and bilateral pulmonary edema. The patient recovered sufficiently to be transferred from the intensive care unit within four days. The temporal relationship to transfusion, features on computerized tomographic scan, and the rapid resolution of severe edema point to a diagnosis of transfusion related acute lung injury. Granulocyte or human leukocyte antigen antibodies in donor plasma may confirm a diagnosis of transfusion injury. CONCLUSION: The clinician should appreciate that erythrocyte transfusion to prevent or treat acute chest syndrome may cause transfusion related acute lung injury, a condition that mimics, exacerbates or possibly triggers the syndrome it was intended to treat.



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